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  Mary will ever forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day,    (wear) sun glasses. He walked in as if he    (buy) the school , And the word quickly got around     he was from New York City .For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt    (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in the last row.
He thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back , but he was wrong. It might have made it a little    (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didn’t stop the kids in the class. Of course whenever they turned to look at him, they had to look at Mary,     made her feel like a star.
“Do you need those glasses     medical reasons?” the teacher asked. The new boy shook his head. Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class. “I like to look at your eyes when I’m speaking to you.” The new boy looked at the teacher     a few seconds and all the other students wondered     the boy would do. Then he took     off, gave a big smile and said “That is cool."
【小题2】had bought
【小题1】根据句意 “一天他戴着太阳镜突然出现在教室里”。此处应填一个非谓语动词,因已有谓语动词appeared,,动词wear前又没有并列连词,即wear不是并列谓语,,它应是非谓语动词做状语,又因he 与wear间存在主动关系,所以用现在分词表示伴随状态,故填wearing 。
【小题2】as if好像,引导方式状语从句,从句用虚拟语气,主句是一般过去时态,所以从句用过去完成时态来表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气, 句意是:他走进来,好像他买了这所学校。故填had bought。
【小题3】word 在此处表示“消息”,后面应是that引导的同位语从句,句意是:他来自纽约的消息传开了。所以填that 。
【小题5】考查比较级。 hard可以作形容词和副词。根据意思a little放在比较级前面加强语气,此处要用比较级harder,表示“更难一点”。
【小题6】考查从属连词,引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是前面整个句子,故用which 引导。此题错填为who,误认为先行词为Mary。
【小题7】考查介词。句意是:因为医学理由你需要戴眼镜吗?for 在此处表示“因为---,为了---。”故填for。
【小题8】表示某个动词或状态延续了多久,用”for+时间段”,句意是:新来的男孩看了老师几秒钟。故填for 。
【小题10】考查代词 指代those  glasses,作took off的宾语,用人称代词宾格。故填 them。