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when, swim, be, scared, so, place, she, like, week, but, go, time
My sister Gina had a problem with her heart. She had five operations (手术) before she was three years old. She had difficulty in walking, playing with other children, and 【小题1】______ to school.Our parents decided to take Gina to a special 【小题2】_____ in Florida. She could swim with dolphins (海豚) there. Gina was 【小题3】______ because she had never swam with dolphins before. We had never traveled that far as a family, either.
【小题4】_____ we got to Florida, we saw the place where the dolphins lived. Children with special needs 【小题5】______ Gina could come and spend time there. I thought it was going to be a vacation, 【小题6】____ it wasn’t. Gina had to work hard every day for two 【小题7】_____.The trip was great. Gina laughed when she saw the dolphin, and the dolphin jumped when it saw Gina. They【小题8】_____ together all day. Two weeks later, Gina was able to move 【小题9】______ happy for Gina. I was, too.
【小题1】根据上文可知她在行走,和其他孩子玩耍及上学方面有困难。have difficulty doing sth,在做···有困难,故填going