Each one of us is a wonderful being. Encouragement can the hidden ability and wonder in an individual. Telling others constantly that they are the useless, stupid, and uncreative only the possibility of their improvement. But if we were to the encouragement technique in our praises, chances are that we would make others realize their . An old man was picking fish from the shore and throwing them back into the sea. A young man this and said, “For the past two hours you are throwing fishes into the sea. But there are so many fishes around. Can you make a difference to all of them?” The old man smiled, yet another fish, threw it into the sea and said, “I have made difference to this fish.” Constantly encourage yourself and encourage others. Let this be your and duty. Believe in them, and life will have meaningful . With such a purpose you will have no time to be depressed. The act of yourself and others will be a source of joy. “But I am so . Can I make a difference to the world?” asked the man. It is said, “What a little lamp can do, the great Sun cannot; it can shine in the .” A pilot while flying realized that hedirection. It was dark and difficult for him to land. The was running out. There was a great . Suddenly he saw a heavy truck on the expressway; its headlight beam him to make out the path. Using expressway as runway, he . He said to himself, “I am sure the truck driver would not have realized that the truck’s headlights many lives”. In the same way, we may not know how we can to others. What is important is our intention to contribute.