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One day a teacher was giving her young students a lesson on how the government works . She was trying to explain the principle of income tax (收入税).
“You see ,” she began , speaking slowly and carefully , “each person who works must pay part of his or her salary (薪水) to the government . If you make a high salary , your taxes are high . If you don’t make much money , your taxes are low .”
“Is that clear ?” she asked . “Does everyone understand the meaning of income tax ?” The students nodded. “Are there any questions ?” she asked . The students shook their heads .
“Very good !” she said . “Now ,I would like you to take a piece of paper and write a short paragraph on the subject of income tax .”
Little Joey was a slow learner . He had lots of problems with spelling and grammar , but this time he at least seemed to understand the task . He took his pen and after a few minutes , he handed the teacher the following composition :
Once I had a dog . His name was Tax .
I opened the door and in come Tax .
【小题1】The teacher was trying to explain       one day .
A.the basic principles of the income tax
B.how the government works
C.everyone should pay income tax
D.how much tax one should pay for his income
【小题2】After the teacher’s explanation ,       .
A.all the students shook their heads
B.many of the students were still puzzled
C.not all the students understood the meaning of income tax
D.a few students disagreed with their teacher
【小题3】The students were asked        .
A.to say something about income tax
B.to answer some questions on income tax
C.to write a composition on “income tax”
D.to explain the principle of income tax
【小题4】Little Joey        .
A.was clever
B.understood what the teacher said
C.was not clever enough
D.did as what he was told to do
试题分析: 本文讲述老师给大家讲收入税,讲完后要求同学写篇俄文,而小Joey显然没有理解到老师所讲的内容。
【小题1】A 细节理解题。根据第一段提到One day a teacher was giving her young students a lesson on how the government works . She was trying to explain the principle of income tax (收入税)一天老师给他的学生上课关于政府如何运作的,她正在解释收入税的规则,故选A项。
【小题2】C 细节理解题。根据最后小Joey是个学习很慢的人,所以没有理解老师所说的话,故选C项。
【小题3】C 细节理解题。根据课文中提到Very good !” she said . “Now ,I would like you to take a piece of paper and write a short paragraph on the subject of income tax老师要求以收入税为题写个短文,故选C项。
【小题4】C 细节理解题。根据文中提到Little Joey was a slow learner . He had lots of problems with spelling and grammar , but this time he at least seemed to understand the task他是个理解力很慢的人,在拼写和语法上有许多的问题,故没有理解老师所说的话,故选C项。