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【小题1】A student, though i_________, must study hard.
【小题2】India has a very large number of  _______ (流利的)English speakers.
【小题3】I am very              at his performance.(失望)
【小题4】After listening to light music, you feel r         .
【小题5】Nowadays,many people in the western countries are         .(失业)
【小题6】I’m going to Beijing next month, and I’m_______________seeing all of you there very much. (期待)
【小题7】As long as you put effort into study ,you will_____________________(取得进步)
【小题8】All the things in the room were out of order , but he quickly_______them_______(按顺序排好)
【小题9】She______________Beijing University, which made her parents very happy.(录取)
【小题10】I don’t think he is honest; ______________,I don’t trust him. (换句话说)
【小题6】looking forward to
【小题7】make progress
【小题8】put   in order
【小题9】was admitted to
【小题10】in other word
【小题6】考查词组。这句话的意思是:我下个月要去北京,我期待非常期待看见你们所有的人,和be动词搭配用现在分词,所以填looking forward to。
【小题7】考查词组。这句话的意思是:只要你努力学习,你就会取得进步,所以填make progress。
【小题8】考查词组。这句话的意思是:教室的所有东西都很混乱,但是他很快将一切按顺序排好,所以填put   in order。
【小题9】考查词组。这句话的意思是:她被北京大学录取了,这让她父母很高兴,所以填was admitted to。
【小题10】考查词组。这句话的意思是:我想他很不诚实,换句话说,我不信任他,所以填in other words。
考点: 考查单词拼写