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It was quiet, sunny afternoon. I was sitting in the garden, read the Sunday newspaper and expecting a couple of hour of peace. Then I hear a loud knock on the door. I saw about twelve ladies wearing her Sunday clothes. They said, “Well, we hope we are not late, so it is not easy to find your house.” One lady said, “Well, your husband is very kind to inviting us to tea.” I thought, “My God, my husband must have been mad.” I asked for them into the house and they sat down and started talking happy. But when my husband appeared, it was quickly discovered that they should have gone to the house on the another side of the street.
【小题2】read 改为reading
【小题3】hour 改为hours
【小题4】hear 改为heard
【小题5】her 改为their
【小题6】so 改为but
【小题7】inviting 改为invite
【小题10】another 改为other
【小题2】文中第二句。考查伴随状语。I was sitting in the garden, read the Sunday newspaper。 这个句子的谓语动词是was sitting ,所以read要用非谓语形式reading,表示伴随状态。
【小题3】文中第二句。考查名词复数的用法。a couple of +名词复数,一些……,故此处的hour 要变复数,hours。
【小题4】文中第三句。考查时态。通篇看全文,这篇文章叙述的故事,用的是一般过去时态,故hear 要用一般过去时态,故改为heard。
【小题5】文中第四句。考查上下文语境理解及形容词性代词。根据“I saw about twelve ladies wearing her Sunday clothes.”可知我看见大约12位女士,那么是在描述12位女士穿着她们星期天的服装,故her 应该改为their,第二人称形容词性代词。
【小题6】文中第五句。考查并列连词。从Well, we hope we are not late, so it is not easy to find your house.”知,这些ladies在说“我们希望不会迟到,找到你家太不容易了”可知上下句不是表示因果关系,而应是转折才对,故将so 改为but。
【小题7】文中第六句。考查不定式。be kind to do sth. 类似的be +adj to do,注意收集这类不定式的短语,区分to是不定式的to ,还是介词to。故将inviting 改为invite
【小题8】文中第八句。考查ask固定用法。ask sb to do 让某人做,要求某人做,而ask for sb. 寻求某人帮助。根据前文Well, we hope we are not late, so it is not easy to find your house.可以看出,这些ladies来我家做客,所以这里应是我请她们进来房子里。故去掉for
【小题9】文中第八句。考查副词。I asked for them into the house and they sat down and started talking happy.我们开始愉快地谈话,修饰动词started talking,要用副词,happily ,副词可以限制形容词,副词,动词,而happy主要修饰名词。
【小题10】文中九句。考查固定用法。但是当我丈夫出现时,发现他们竟然快速地走出房子到这条街的另一边了。表示另一……,the other +单数名词,固定用法。而another +单数名词,前面不加the ,且another 指的是一定范围内三者,而此处是指街道的两边,故将another 改为other