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【小题1】No_________(结论) should be drawn before all the facts are buttoned down.
【小题2】In fact they do ______(贡献)something to the community, which is as it should be.
【小题3】They began shooting immediately after the __________(通告).
【小题4】We have ___________(粗略地)250 economics majors every year at Harvard.
【小题5】Happily this was ______________(完成)without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.
【小题6】It looked _______________(辉煌的)when first built.
【小题7】I want people to have a good ________________(印象)of solar cars.
【小题8】He has no ______________(先前的)experience of this kind of work.
【小题9】The __________(即刻)she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out .
【小题10】European ________________(定居)began in 1840 when the British arrived.