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书面表达 (20分)
1. 喜欢看动作片,最喜欢的电影明星成龙(Jackie Chan),因为他把幽默和激烈的动作相结合,喜欢买与他有关的书籍,CD等,父母认为浪费钱;
2. 勤劳,从不介意为班级多做一些额外工作。
3. 喜欢动物,了解到目前有许多动物正快速消失。认为动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护他们。
4. 现在学习上遇到一些麻烦,无法做到既认真学习又有时间从事自己的爱好,父母只关心考试后的分数。不知如何处理这些问题。
From: Andy @126.com
To: David@163.com
Subject: something about yourself
Date: November 28th
Dear David,
I’m happy to write to you. _________________________________________________________
Best wishes.
答案One possible version
From: Andy @126.com
To: David@163.com
Subject: something about yourself
Date: November 28th
Dear David,
I’m happy to write to you. Now I’ll tell you something about myself. I like watching action film. My favourite film star is Jackie Chan. Because he joined humor and exciting action together. I like buying books and CDs about him , but my parents think it is a waste of money.
I’m hard-working. I never mind doing extra work for our class.
I like animals. I know many animals are disappearing quickly at present. I think animals are our friends. We should protect them.
Now I have some problems with my study. I can’t achieve a balance between my study and play. And my parents only care about marks. I don’t know how to deal with them. Can you give me some suggestions? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes.