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【小题2】iphone 6吸引了很多年轻人的注意吗?
答案:【小题1】The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world
【小题2】Does iphone 6 catch many young people’s attention?
【小题3】Wang Qiang is polite not only to his parents but also to his neighbours
【小题4】The boy in a school uniform has something to do with this case
【小题5】 The man is so fat that he cann’t go through.
【小题1】.考查汉译英。根据one of the+名词的复数;表示...最之一; 结合题意故答案是The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world
【小题2】考查汉译英。catch 是抓住和吸引的意思;many young people’s attention表示许多年轻人的注意;结合语境故填Does iphone 6 catch many young people’s attention?
【小题3】考查汉译英。根据 not only .....but also....表示不仅而且;be polite to表示对...有礼貌 ,结合语境故答案Wang Qiang is polite not only to his parents but also to his neighbours
【小题4】考查英译汉。根据The boy in a school uniform表示穿校服的这个男人;in+表示衣服的名词表示穿着…… 衣服;根据题意故答案The boy in a school uniform has something to do with this case
【小题5】考查英译汉。根据so+形容词+that从句表示出如此...以至于....;根据题意故填The man is so fat that he cann’t go through.