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In September 2013, the China National  Tourism  Administration(国家旅游局)issued a new set of tourist guideline in order to improve tourists' behavior when they travel abroad.  Although the 64-page  handbook  contains  suggestions for Chinese tourists when traveling at home, the main purpose is to improve the poor reputation(声誉)of Chinese tourists abroad.
In 2013, more than 83 million Chinese people traveled overseas, up 18 percent from the year 2012, according to  the  China  Tourism  Academy. But  even as they travel farther, the Chinese tourists continue to take bad habits with them.  From damaging ancient Egyptian temples to letting children defecate(排便)in the  middle  of airports,   Chinese tourists have earned a bad fame. Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang even  stressed  the  need for Chinese tourists to behave better while traveling overseas so as to protect China's image abroad.
Now with the latest "guidebook", Chinese travelers should have no excuse for rude behavior. According to the guidelines, when using the restroom,  Chinese tourists are asked not to forget to flush the toilet after using it.
The guidelines also remind tourists of not fighting with others  when they want to take pictures at tourist attractions. When flying, the guidelines advise  travelers  not to take life vests(救生衣)away from airplanes.
Chinese tourists are also encouraged to be respectful of local customs wherever they travel.  In the United Kingdom, for example, it is not polite to ask people。Where are you going?" or “Have you eaten?", the handbook says.
Nevertheless, with a very short history of traveling overseas, it is not surprising that many Chinese tourists behave badly on their foreign trips. We should give them time to change.
【小题1】What's the main purpose of the new guideline?
A.To improve the Chinese tourists' behavior abroad.
B.To guide the Chinese tourists how to travel farther.
C.To introduce the famous places of interest all over the world.
D.To give suggestions to Chinese tourists when traveling at home.
【小题2】How many people traveled abroad in 2012?
A.About 83 million.B.About 18 million.
C.About 98 million.D.About 70 million.
【小题3】 Which of the following behavior is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Damaging ancient Egyptian temples.
B.Taking life vests away from airplanes.
C.Fighting with others when taking pictures.
D.Taking photos in areas marked "No photos".
【小题4】 What are Chinese tourists encouraged to do?
A.Respect local customs wherever they travel.
B.Try to be polite both at home and abroad.
C.Ask questions when they meet with difficulty.
D.Take the guidebook with them when traveling abroad.
【小题5】Why is it not surprising for some Chinese tourists to behave badly abroad?
A.They can't speak foreign languages.
B.They don't get trained before traveling abroad.
C.They don't understand local people and culture.
D.China has a very short history of overseas travel.
【小题1】细节理解题。新指南的主要目的是什么?改善中国游客在外国的旅游行为。根据the main purpose is to improve the poor reputation of Chinese tourists abroad. 故选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。在2012年多少人去国外旅游?约7千万。根据In 2013, more than 83 million Chinese people traveled overseas, up 18 percent from the year 2012, according to the China Tourism Academy. 83-83×17%=70可知选D。
【小题3】细节理解题。短文中以下哪种行为没有提到?在标有不许拍照的地区拍照。根据2 3 4 5段的内容故选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。中国游客被鼓励做什么?无论去哪儿旅游要尊重当地风俗。根据Chinese tourists are also encouraged to be respectful of local customs wherever they travel.可知,应该选A。
【小题5】细节理解题。一些中国游客在国外行为恶劣为什么不让人吃惊? 中国海外旅游的历史很短。根据Nevertheless, with a very short history of traveling overseas, it is not surprising that many Chinese tourists behave badly on their foreign trips.故选D。