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Who is the greatest English writer?____【小题1】_____His popular expressions, like “to be or not to be, that is a question”, and his stories such as Romeo and Juliet are almost famous in every corner of the World.
William Shakespeare was born in a small town in England in 1564.___【小题2】______By 1594, he had become an important playwright(戏剧大师) in London.
Whether comedies or tragedies, Shakespeare’s plays always catch people’s hearts.  ____【小题3】_____In A Midsummer Shakespeare’s Night’s Dream, fairies(仙女)play magical tricks on people lost in the Woods. His tragedies, however, can be very dark. Macbeth tells the story about a man who becomes king by killing a lot of people.
Shakespeare’s works also have a big influence on the English language.______【小题4】____
Of course, Shakespeare wrote his plays 400 years ago and his English was very different from that of today. 【小题5】____His plays have been translated in to other languages and are performed more often, There are over 400 films and TV plays adapted from his works. Shakespeare is not of an age, but for all The time.
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【小题1】根据上文提问:谁应该是最伟大的作家,故填E,那个人应该是William Shakespeare。