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完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
In 1989 an earthquake of 8.2 magnitude(震级) hit America, killing over 30,000 people. A father ____ his wife safely at home and rushed to the ____where his son was supposed to be, only to ____that the building was as flat as a pancake.
Seeing this, he remembered the ____ he had made to this son, “No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you!”Tears began to____ his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ____that once was the school, it looked ____, but he kept remembering his words to his son.
He began to direct his attention ____ where his son’s _______ was. _______ his son’s classroom had been in the back right corner of the teaching building, he rushed there and started digging ____the ruins.
He kept digging and digging. Hours later, other ____parents tried to pull him off ____ had been his son’s classroom, saying,” It’s too late! They’re all dead!”
But the father kept digging for his son. The fire chief ____ and said, “Fires are breaking out. You’re in ____. Go home.” Hearing this, the American father, ____ very tired now, asked politely, “Are you going to help me?”
He went on ___. He dug for 8 hours…12 hours…24 hours…36 hours…then, in the 38th hour, he heard his son’s ____. He screamed his son’s name, “ARMAND!” And he heard his son shout back,” Dad?! It’s me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were ____ you’d save us. You promised no matter what happened, you’d always be there for me! You did ____, Dad!”
A.showed upB.showed offC.got upD.got off
A.whenB. asC.ifD.though
A.lonelyB.aloneC.togetherD.as well
【小题1】A考查动词辨析A. left离开;B. stayed停留;C. reached到达;D. had 有;句意:一位父亲离开妻子冲向儿子所在的学校。根据rushed to the ____where his son was supposed to be可知选A项。
【小题2】C考查名词辨析A. house 房子;B. company公司;C. school学校;D. office办公室;句意:一位父亲离开妻子冲向儿子所在的学校。根据语境可知儿子在学校,故选C项。
【小题3】A考查动词辨析A. discover 发现;B. realize意识到;C. know知道;D. make使;句意:结果发现整个建筑物都倒了。根据语境可知选A项。
【小题4】B考查名词辨析A. belief信念;B. promise允诺;C. decision决定;D. advice建议;句意:看到这个,他记起给儿子的承诺。Make promise承诺,故选B项。
【小题5】C考查动词辨析A. rise 升起;B. cover覆盖;C. fill 充满;D. suffer遭受;句意:眼泪开始流下来。根据语境可知父亲想起对儿子的承诺,又看到这倒塌的楼,故选C项。
【小题6】A考查名词辨析A. ruins废墟;B. disasters灾难;C. earth土地;D. bricks砖;句意:当他看到一堆学校的废墟,看起来没有希望,但他仍然记得对于儿子的话。根据only to ____that the building was as flat as a pancake.可知选A项。
【小题7】B考查形容词辨析A. careless小心的;B. hopeless 没有希望的;C. helpless 无助的;D. useless无用的;句意:当他看到一堆学校的废墟,看起来没有希望,但他仍然记得对于儿子的话。根据语境可知选B项。
【小题8】D考查介词辨析A. in 在里面;B. up向上;C. of。。的; D. towards对于;句意:他开始密切注视儿子教室所在的地方。direct one's attention towards 密切注视于,故选D项。
【小题9】C考查名词辨析A. doorway 门口;B. situation状况;C. classroom教室;D. entrance入口;句意:他开始密切注视儿子教室所在的地方。根据语境可知选C项。
【小题10】C考查动词辨析A. Forgetting忘记;B. Making使;C. Remembering记住;D. Keeping保持;句意:记得儿子的教室就在教学楼的后面,他冲过去,开始挖废墟。根据语境可知选C项。
【小题11】B考查介词辨析A. from来自;B. through 通过;C. by 通过;D. across穿过;句意:记得儿子的教室就在教学楼的后面,他冲过去,开始挖废墟。Dig through 挖通,故选B项。
【小题12】A考查形容词辨析A. disappointed 失望的;B. excited兴奋的;C. devoted 忠诚的;D. satisfied满意的;句意:数小时后,其它失望的家长拖着他离开他儿子所在的教室。根据语境可知选A项。
【小题13】D考查名词性从句;A. who谁;B. while 然而;C. whose 谁的;D. what什么;句意:数小时后,其它失望的家长拖着他离开他儿子所在的教室。宾语从句缺少主语,用what来引导,故选D项。
【小题14】C考查动词短语辨析A. showed up出现;B. showed off 炫耀;C. got up起来;D. got off下车;句意:消防队长过来说,火正在燃烧,你很危险。根据语境可知选C项。
【小题15】C考查名词辨析A. frustration沮丧;B. difficulty 困难的;C. danger 危险;D. fear恐惧;句意:消防队长过来说,火正在燃烧,你很危险。根据Fires are breaking out.可知选C项。
【小题16】D考查连词辨析A. when当。。时候;B.  as 因为;C. if如果; D. though虽然;句意:听到这个,这位美国父亲,尽管很累,礼貌地问,你打算帮忙吗?根据语境可知选D项。
【小题17】B考查副词辨析。A. lonely孤独的;B. alone 单独地;C. together一起;D. as well也;句意:他继续一个人挖。根据He dug for 8 hours…12 hours…24 hours…36 hours…可知选B项。
【小题18】B考查名词辨析A. sound声音;B. voice嗓音;C. noise噪音;D. shout叫喊;句意:他听到儿子的声音。根据He screamed his son’s name,可知选B项。
【小题19】C考查形容词辨析A. right 正确的;B. dead死的;C. alive活着的;D. injured受伤的;句意:我告诉他们,如果你还活着肯定会来救我们。根据You promised no matter what happened, you’d always be there for me!可知选C项。
【小题20】D考查代词辨析A. that 那个;B. this 这个;C. one一个;D. it这个;句意:你做到了,爸爸。It代指这个承诺,故选D项。