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Here are some top tips for world travelers.
Travel light. 【小题1】 It’s no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city. Don’t take too many clothes and avoid heavy books and electrical equipment.
【小题2】  Always keep your passport on you in an inside pocket or special travel belt. There may be thieves about. It’s a good idea to make a photocopy (复印件) of your passport and travel documents.
Transport sense. Don’t let go of your bags on the train. 【小题3】 There are always thieves on public transport. If you want to sleep, tie your bag to your arm. When you take a taxi, it’s a good idea to ask for the driver’s permit. Many foreigners pay too much money because they take unofficial taxis.
Keep clean. It’s a good idea to wear dark clothes because they hide the dirt while white clothes attract it! Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant (除臭剂). 【小题4】
【小题5】 You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals. Even if you find their habits and behavior a bit strange, you shouldn’t show your feelings. Remember, you’re their guest.
A.Be polite.
B.Keep your documents safe.
C.You should carry a spare bag.
D.You don’t want to smell bad!
E. Keep them with you at all times.
F. Make sure your bag isn’t too heavy.
G. It’s a good idea to wear similar clothes to the local people.
【小题1】F 根据下方提到It’s no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city.背很重的包去国外旅行是很无趣的,故选F保重你的包不要太重。
【小题2】B 根据下方提到There may be thieves about.可能有贼,可知选B,注意证件的安全。
【小题3】E 根据上文提到Don’t let go of your bags on the train不要把包放在火车上可知选E
【小题4】D 根据上文提到Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant (除臭剂).确保你有足够干净的衣服和除臭剂,故选D你不想闻起来很臭。
【小题5】A 根据下方提到You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals你应该有礼貌并且尊重当地的风俗,故选A,有礼貌。