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4月23日是“世界读书日”(World Reading Day),假如你是班长,请你起草一份倡仪书,号召全班同学以实际行动迎接“世界读书日”的到来,为创建“书香校园”,多读书、读好书,养成课外读书的好习惯。字数120左右。
1.现状( 看电视、上网时间多而读书的时间少)
2.列举一些阅读的好处 (至少列举两个好处)
Good morning! Boys and girls,
As we know, World Reading Day which falls on April 23rd is drawing near.
The purpose of the global festival is to promote reading and publishing.
答案:Good morning! Boys and girls,
As we know, World Reading Day which falls on April 23rd is drawing near. The purpose of the global festival is to promote reading and publishing.
Nowadays, a lot of students prefer to spend much time in watching TV and they are crazy about Internet .So, most of them don’t have enough time to read books .And still worse, they don’t like reading .However, reading is necessary .I firmly think that by reading ,we not only enrich our life ,and broaden our horizons but also learn to perfect our personality .Now that reading is good for us ,let’s develop a good habit of reading .I strongly suggest that every one of us should read at least one or two good books every term.