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Many people think that teachers give pupils too much homework.They say that it is unnecessary for children to work at home in their free time.Moreover, they argue that most teachers do not【小题1】(proper)plan the homework tasks they give to pupils.The result is that pupils have to repeat tasks that they【小题2】(do)at school already.
In Greece,many parents complained about the difficult homework that teachers gave to their children.The parents said that most of the homework was【小题3】waste of time,and they wanted to stop it.Spain and Turkey are two countries【小题4】 stopped homework.In Denmark,Germany and several other【小题5】 (country)in Europe,teachers cannot set homework at weekends.In Holland,teachers allow pupils 【小题6】(stay)at school to do their homework.The children are free to help one another.Similar【小题7】 (arrange)also exists in some British schools.
Most people agree that homework is not fair.A pupil doing his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in a much 【小题8】(good)position than a pupil who does his homework in a small,【小题9】 (noise)room with the television on.Some parents help their children with their homework.Other parents take no interest【小题10】 their children’s homework at all.
【小题2】have done
【小题4】which /that
【小题6】to stay
【小题1】properly考查副词。 修饰动词plan应该用副词形式,故填properly。
【小题2】have done 考查谓语动词。根据already和语境可知应该用现在完成时,主语是they,所以填have done。
【小题3】a 考查冠词。固定短语:a waste of time“浪费时间”,填a。
【小题4】which /that 考查关系代词。定语从句缺少主语,先行词是countries,故用that或者which引导定语从句。
【小题5】countries 考查名词。Other后面需要跟复数名词,填countries。
【小题6】to stay 考查非谓语动词。固定短语:allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,答案填to stay。
【小题7】arrangement 考查名词。此处是缺少主语,由此判断应该用名词形式,填arrangement。
【小题9】noisy 考查形容词。修饰名词room应该用形容词,故答案填noisy。
【小题10】in 考查介词。固定短语:take no interest in“对……不感兴趣”,故填in。