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Most children have wonderful toys to play with. Usually, their parents buy these toys for them, often as Christmas or birthday gifts. Some children buy small toys with their pocket money. But instead of buying toys, one fun way to get new toys is to make them.
The easiest toy to make is a kite. For a kite, all you need is a large piece of paper, two sticks, some string and some glue. Take the two sticks and use the string to join them together in the centre. Then take a string and tie it to the ends of the sticks to make a string square. Cut the paper to make it the same size as the square. Finally, stick the paper to the string square with glue. Now your kite is finished. All you need to do is to tie a long string to the kite so you can fly it.
In many countries, they have kite-building competitions. Hundreds of people come together to show off their kites. In one famous competition, some of the kites are more than three metres tall. They take many strong men to fly them and use rope instead of string.
【小题1】 According to the article, what is one fun way you can get toys?
【小题2】What materials do you need to make your own kite?
【小题3】 What is the last thing you need to do before you can fly your kite?
【小题4】How big are some of the kites in one famous competition?
【小题5】With really large kites, what must people use instead of string?
答案:【小题1】You can make them.
【小题2】You need a large piece of paper, two sticks, some string and some glue.
【小题3】You need to tie a long string to it.
【小题4】They are more than three meters tall.
【小题5】They must use rope.
【小题1】细节理解题。问题:通过这篇文章,你能通过哪种方式得到玩具?联系原文:one fun way to get new toys is to make them.句意:一个有趣的方式来获得新的玩具是制做他们。故选You can make them.
【小题2】细节理解题。问题:制作你自己的风筝你需要什么材料?联系原文:For a kite, all you need is a large piece of paper, two sticks, some string and some glue.句意:做一只风筝,所有你需要的是一张纸,两根棍子,一些绳子和胶水。将其原材料清晰列出。故选You need a large piece of paper, two sticks, some string and some glue.
【小题3】细节理解题。问题:你能放你的风筝之前,你需要做的最后一件事情是什么?联系原文:All you need to do is to tie a long string to the kite so you can fly it.句意:最后,你需要做的是在风筝上系一根长线,所以你可以放飞风筝了。因此最后做的事情是系一根长线。故选You need to tie a long string to it.
【小题4】细节理解题。问题:在一个著名的比赛中,一些风筝有多大?联系原文:In one famous competition, some of the kites are more than three metres tall.句意:在一个著名的比赛中,一些风筝超过三米高。故选They are more than three meters tall.
【小题5】细节理解题。问题:带动一个巨大的风筝,人们用什么代替绳?联系原文:They take many strong men to fly them and use rope instead of string.句意:他们用许多强壮的人去放风筝,并且用绳子代替线。故选They must use rope.