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【小题1】Our government has made lots of       (法律) to protect the wild animals.
【小题2】—Could I have your       (地址)?
—Why not? Room 406, Building 2, Yucai Road.
【小题3】Temperature in our hometown often       (下降) below zero in winter.
【小题4】We must obey rules when       (成千上万) of people gather together.
【小题5】Square dance (广场舞) has become more and more popular       (近来).
【小题6】We should realize the       (important) of teamwork in the daily life .
【小题7】Birds can       (easy) catch fish for food in Yancheng Nature Reserve.
【小题8】My parents told me the sun       (rise) in the east when I was young.
【小题9】People were busy       (clean) the snow from the streets the next morning.
【小题10】My father and mother have lived in Binhai since they got       (marry).
【小题4】分析句意:当成千上万的人聚集在一起的时候,我们必须要遵守规则。考查固定短语thousands of 成千上万。故填:thousands
【小题9】分析句意:第二天早上,人们正在忙于清理街道上的积雪。分析:考查固定短语be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。故填:cleaning
【小题10】分析句意:自从我的父亲和母亲结婚以来,他们就已经居住在滨海。分析:主句用现在完成时+since+从句用一般过去时;同时考查固定短语get married.故填:married