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By the time I reached junior high,I was sure I wanted to be a nurse. If you didn’t study Latin,you couldn’t be a nurse,so I enrolled. Many Latin words were familiar to me. The hard part turned out to be the usage and creating sentences with the words that seemed so easy to pronounce. Several weeks into the course my teacher came to me,saying,“I think you should withdraw from this course. It seems to be too hard for you. ”
That was the day I learned I wasn’t smart enough to become a nurse. With shame. I handed in my Latin textbook.
After high school,the years raced by. I married and had children. Then one day my husband John came home. “Carol. Max died this afternoon. ”I looked at my husband with disbelief.
John was touched by this tragedy. Finally one evening he said,“Carol,Jackie has never worked and now she’s alone with four children. I've been thinking — if anything happens to me. I want you to be able to take care of yourself and the children. Why don’t you think about what you’d like to do and get the training you’ll need to do it?”
I signed up for the entrance exam for nursing programs. One day I received a letter from the schoo1. I wanted so badly to open it,but with my lack of confidence,I laid it on the kitchen counter saying,” I'm not in the mood for a rejection letter today. ”
Finally I forced myself to open it. “Dear Carol,”I read. ”We are pleased to inform you that you successfully passed the entrance exam.”
An insensitive teacher once stole my dream. If you have a dream, exhaust every effort to reach it. I’ve worked thirty years now as a nurse and I’ve never been more certain that this is what I was meant to be.
【小题1】Why did John advise Carol to find a job?
A.To support the family
B.To be able to live independently
C.To live a more colorful life
D.To provide more money for her kids
【小题2】From the text, we know what the teacher said____________.
A.saved Carol from wasting her time
B.helped Carol find her true interest
C.destroyed Carol’s dream to be a nurse
D.encouraged Carol to be careful in learning
【小题3】After receiving the letter from the schoo1, Caro1____________.
A.couldn’t wait to open it
B.had no mood to read it then
C.didn’t take it seriously at all
D.was uncertain about the result
【小题4】What may be the best title for the text?
A.Too stupid to be a nurse
B.A dream too high to achieve
C.Never too late to 1earn
D.A chance too important to miss
试题分析: Carol在中学时就梦想成为一名护士,但因老师告知说她不够聪明当护士就放弃了。后来,她结婚了,有一个晚上她的丈夫建议她找工作,于是她重拾曾经的梦想。通过了护士入学考试,实现了梦想。告诉我们。不管什么时候,你只要有梦想,就付出一切努力去达到。
【小题1】细节理解题。从第四段“if anything happens to me. I want you to be able to take care of yourself and the children. Why don’t you think about what you’d like to do and get the training you’ll need to do it?”中,如果我发生了什么,我想要你能够照顾你自己和孩子们。可见丈夫希望她找工作是希望她可以自己独立起来,对应B。
【小题2】理解分析题。结合最后一段“An insensitive teacher once stole my dream.”一个感觉迟钝的老师偷走了我的梦想。选C。