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【小题1】The boy knows the p______  of the word, but he can’t spell it.
【小题2】We must be p______  with children when they do something wrong.
【小题3】Beijing is the C____  city of China.
【小题4】We Chinese like eating with c______.
【小题5】Lu Xun was a great writer that many Chinese people a_____him and respect him.
【小题6】On Christmas Day, the child received lots of p______.
【小题7】If you mail a letter, you need to buy some s_______.
【小题8】The boy is very brave. He d______ to face the difficulties in life.
【小题9】France is one of the biggest E______ countries.
【小题10】Which do you P____ ,  classical music or pop music?
【小题2】句意:当小孩子做错了事情,我们必须对他们有耐心。be patient with sb,对······有耐心,根据句意,故填patient