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Part-time Cleaning Help
Are you looking for a vacation job?Can you clean the house and cook?Then,I need you.The work is boring,but the pay is good.I need you from 2:00pm---5:00pm,Monday to Saturday.Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs.Johnson at 544-9968.
A Fitness Camp For Overweight Kids
Are you too fat?Can you run as fast as your classmates?Have you failed your PE examination?
Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again.Come and join us!Please call Nathan at475-2300.
Next Wave Music Store
After 10 years of teaching the piano,David Smith has made his first CD!Come and meet him this weekend.Special presents for the 50 people .
Call Marsha at 8732059
【小题1】The cleaner will work    hours one week.
A. 12                       B. 15                      C. 18
【小题2】You can call    . if you want to go to the fitness camp.
A.544-9968                  B.475-2300             C.8732059
【小题3】If you’re the tenth to come to    . you can get a special present.
A. the cleaning center
B. the fitness camp
C. Next Wave Music Store
【小题1】细节理解题。根据part-time cleaning help,清洁工每天需要工作三个小时,一星期需要工作五天,所以一周需要工作15个小时。故选C。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据the next wave music store,前50名的顾客将会得到特殊礼物。