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根据中英文提示,以“My Hometown”为题,写一篇意思连贯,符合逻辑,字数不少于60词的英文作文
提示词: Xueye Lake, Laiwu Campaign Memorial (莱芜战役纪念馆); Fanggan Tourist Area (房干旅游区) , traffic(交通),  change, new buildings, obey, rules, be friendly to,
答案:Laiwu is my hometown. It has a population of about one million.3/4of the population live in rural areas.There are many beautifulscenic spots here.
In the past ten years,great changes have taken place in Laiwu. Manytall buildings androads have been built. The roads are widerand  cleaner. More and morefamilies have cars. There are often traffic jams in the city. And  the airis getting worse and worse.
To be good middle schoolstudents, we shouldtry to walk ortake the busto school. It is good not only for the traffic but also for our health. Let’s do our best tomake ourcitybetter and better.