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Once an old villager was reading the Ramayana(罗摩传) while sitting in a railway station waiting for the train to come.
A young man with his   was standing nearby and said to the old man, “You old fashioned people read only the Ramayana all the time. Do you not have any other book to   ? What is so great in the Ramayana?”
The old man continued to read and smiled without any   to the young man. Soon, the train   . Everyone, in a hurry, rushed in to get a seat. It   that the old man and the young man were   next to each other in the train. And the old man   to read the Ramayana.
Suddenly the young man   that his wife was missing! He shouted anxiously, “My wife!       is she? I think she has been left behind on the platform!”
The old man said to him   , “If you had read the Ramayana, you would never have made this   .”
“What?” said the young man.
The old man   :
“It is said in the Ramayana that when Ram Chandra, Sita and Lakshmana were standing on the   of the Ganga(恒河)and the boat man came with the   , Ram Chandra asked Sita to get in the boat first and only after that did he   the boat himself!
“So why are you   me what is good about the Ramayana when you do not even know enough to  your own wife and see that she gets onto the train first?
“You see, the Ramayana tells you even this!”
True enough, any time you are   and cannot decide what your duty is, just read the Ramayana and you will find the   to all your doubts!
Treat with respect all the things held sacred(神圣的)to others,    you understand these things or not.
A.reachedB.arrived C.gotD.entered
A.turned onB.turned up C.turned outD.turned off
A.visitedB.divided C.wakenD.seated
A.continued B.decidedC.wantedD.refused
A.feltB.experienced C.understood D.realized
A.HowB.When C.Where D.Why
A.luckilyB.sadly C.happilyD.calmly
A.mistake B.planC.faceD.progress
A.answered B.explained C.introduced D.showed
A.middleB.bankC.coast D.land
A.get upB.get offC.get onD.get in
A.advisingB.asking C.tellingD.begging
A.take charge ofB.take hold of C.take care ofD.take advantage of
A.confused B.surprisedC.satisfiedD.delighted
A.reasonsB.storiesC.answers D.aims
A.unlessB.onceC.though D.whether
【小题1】考查名词辨析。A妻子;B儿子;C朋友;D母亲。根据第四段“that his wife was missing”可知,年轻人是和妻子一起在候车,故选A。
【小题2】考查动词辨析。A看书,读;B看到;C听到;D写。any other book to   其它可以看的书,不定式作定语修饰book,故选A。
【小题3】考查名词辨析。A钥匙;B回答,答复;C注意力;D感觉。根据“continued to read and smiled”可知,老人只是笑了笑又继续看书,老人没有回答年轻人的问题,故选B。
【小题4】考查动词辨析。A到达;B到达,抵达(at/in);C得到,到达(to);D进入。Soon, the train   .火车很快就到了,reach后需跟宾语,排除A;enter是及物动词,后需跟宾语,排除D;get的意思较多,用arrived最合适,故选B。
【小题5】考查动词短语。A打开;B调高,出现;C结果是,证明是;D关掉。It   that the old man and the young man were   next to each other in the train.结果,老人和那个年轻人的座位是挨着的,故选C。
【小题6】考查动词辨析。     A参观,拜访;B划分;C叫醒;D就坐。the old man and the young man were   next to each other老人和年轻人的座位是挨着的,be seated表示“坐着”的状态,故选D。
【小题7】考查动词辨析。A继续;B决定;C想要;D拒绝。And the old man   to read the Ramayana.在座位上坐下之后,老人继续看《罗摩传》,continue to do sth继续做某事,故选A。
【小题8】考查动词辨析。A感觉;B经历;C理解;D意识到。Suddenly the young man   that his wife was missing!年轻人突然意识到(发现)妻子不见了,故选D。
【小题9】考查疑问词辨析。A怎样;B何时;C哪里;D为什么。根据上句“his wife was missing”可知,年轻人的妻子不见了,年轻人是在找她,因此,年轻人问的是“我的妻子在哪里”,故选C。
【小题10】考查副词辨析。A幸运的是;B不幸地,遗憾的是;C开心地;D冷静地,心平气和地。The old man said to him   , “If you had read the Ramayana,...老人心平气和地对年轻人说:“如果你看过《罗摩传》,......”,其它三项与语境不符,故选D。
【小题11】考查名词辨析。A错误;B计划;C脸;D进步。If you had read the Ramayana, you would never have made this   .老人说那个年轻人如果看过《罗摩传》的话,他就不会犯这个错误了,make a mistake犯错误,故选A。
【小题12】考查动词辨析。A回答;B解释;C介绍;D展示,带领。根据““What?” said the young man.”可知,年轻人很不解地问老人,根据“It is said in the Ramayana that...”可知,老人是在向年轻人解释,故选B。
【小题13】考查名词辨析。A中间;B岸边;C海岸;D陆地。on the   of the Ganga在恒河岸边,故选B。
【小题14】考查名词辨析。A鱼;B绳子;C船;D商品,货物。根据“Ram Chandra asked Sita to get in the boat”可知,船夫把船划了过来,Ram Chandra让Sita先上船,故选C。
【小题15】考查动词短语。A起床;B下车;C上车;D收割,插话,到达。and only after that did he   the boat himself等Sita上了船之后,Ram Chandra也上了船,get in the boat登上船,故选D。
【小题16】考查动词辨析。A建议;B问,要求;C告诉;D乞求。根据第二段“Do you not have any other book to   ?”可知,这里指的是年轻人在候车时问老人为什么一直在看《罗摩传》,故选B。
【小题17】考查动词短语。A负责;B握住,吸引,控制住;C照顾;D利用。when you do not even know enough to  your own wife...这里指男子不知道照顾妻子并让妻子先上车,故选C。
【小题18】考查形容词辨析。A困惑的;B惊讶的;C满意的;D高兴的。根据“cannot decide what your duty is”可知,在无法确定自己的职责时,说明前面说的是感到困惑时,故选A。
【小题19】考查名词辨析。A原因;B故事;C答案;D目的。just read the Ramayana and you will find the   to all your doubts看一看《罗摩传》,你就会找到所有疑问的答案,故选C。
【小题20】考查连词辨析。A除非;B一旦;C尽管;D是否,无论。   you understand these things or not无论你是否理解,都应该尊重他人所做的事情,whether...or not无论......,故选D。