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It was already dark when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn and wanted to stay there for the night. After he had gone to his room, the owner said to his wife, “Look at his bag, dear. I’m sure there are lots of valuable things in it. I want to steal it when he is asleep.”
“No, no,” said the woman. “He must look for his bag tomorrow morning. Then he’ll take you before the judge.” They thought and at last the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass,” said the woman, “Why not put some into his food? If he has the food, he will forget to take his bag away.” “How clever you are!” said the owner, “Don’t forget it when you prepare supper for him.”
The old man had the food with the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning, when the owner got up, he found the door was open and the old man had left with his bag. He woke his wife up and said angrily, “What a fool! Your forgetful grass isn’t useful at all.”
“No, no,” said the woman. “I don’t think so. He must forget something.”
“Oh, I’ve remembered!” The owner cried out suddenly, “He forgot…”
【小题1】The old man came to the inn _______.
A.in the morningB.in the afternoonC.in the eveningD.at night
【小题2】The owner and his wife wanted to _______.
A.get the man’s bagB.steal the man’s money
C.make the man pay them more D.hide the man’s bag
【小题3】The owner and his wife put the forgetful grass into the food because _______.
A.the old man always forgot something
B.they wanted to make the food better
C.they hoped the old man would leave the bag in the inn
D.they wanted to know if the grass was useful
【小题4】According to the passage the old man forgot _______.
A.to take his bag away
B.to tell the owner when he left
C.to close the door when he went to sleep
D.to pay them the inn money
【小题1】细节理解题。根据第一段“It was already dark when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn...”可知,当老人来到一个小镇时天色已晚,老人找了一家旅馆,准备在那里过夜;根据第二段最后“Don’t forget it when you prepare supper for him.”可知,老人还没有吃晚饭,说明老人是在傍晚来到旅馆的,故选C。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据第一段“I’m sure there are lots of valuable things in it. I want to steal it when he is asleep.”可知,旅馆老板认为老人的包里有贵重物品,他想把老人的包偷走,文中并未提到他们想偷老人的钱,故选A。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据第二段“If he has the food, he will forget to take his bag away.”可知,旅馆老板的妻子认为,如果老人食用了能让人忘掉事情的草,他就会忘记把他的包带走,故选C。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据第三段“the old man had left with his bag”可知,老人走时把包带走了,排除A;根据“he found the door was open”可知,老板第二天早上发现门是开着的,老人已经离开,排除C;根据第三段“when the owner got up, he found the door was open and the old man had left with his bag”可知,老人第二天早上没有跟老板打招呼就直接离开了旅馆,更让老板夫妻俩惊讶的是,老人竟然忘记支付住宿的费用了,故选D。