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答案:One possible version:
Yesterday afternoon,we held a class meeting discussing how to spend the money our whole class earned by recycling and selling newspapers and plastic bottles after class. Three fifths of the students suggested buying stationery for our own use because it can let us experience the enjoyment of harvest. Meanwhile,it is an approach to encouraging our classmates to continue this action. However,two fifths of the students believed that the money should be donated to the people in the earthquake stricken areas because they need the money more urgently than us. More importantly,it is meaningful to spend the money earned by ourselves in helping others.
试题分析:本文是一篇论说文,提示信息以表格形式出现,要求同学们在写作前仔细分析内容,归纳要点。根据图表所示,文章应分为两个层次,也就是要讲明两种建议,一种建议是买文具发给大家来让同学们体验收获的喜悦并且鼓励大家;另一种建议是把钱捐给灾区去帮助他人。这两种建议的顺序可以打乱,但是要使用连接词来进行恰当的过渡。作文要求只用五句话表达,所以必须使用一些如定语从句, 状语从句等的复合句和一些介词短语,非谓语短语等。
【亮点说明】本篇范文要点全面,概括准确,语言通顺连贯,内容全面,段落层次分明,标点符号使用规范。作者首先提出讨论的内容,然后分别讲述了两方面的看法,并且陈述了原因。按照要求使用五个长句简述了要求的内容,很好地完成了写作任务。文中一些副词和连接词Meanwhile,However,More importantly的使用使文章过渡自然,语言流畅。而且文章高级词汇stationery ,urgently和短语experience the enjoyment of harvest,is meaningful to,spend money in doing sth的使用也是文章的亮点所在。