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Golden sunlight danced in the treetops, and children’s laughter filled the park. The smell of popcorn played on the breeze, and life seemed good. It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my little daughter, Gigi.
That is, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream. I could barely whisper when the police questioned me. For hours we waited,but there was no word on the whereabouts of the car. Tears would start to come. Then nothing. I was numb with fear.
“Go home, Ma’am,” the police officer said. “I’ll have someone drive you. We’ll also want to monitor your telephone. The kidnappers might call, and we’ll want to keep track. Trust me, these guys can’t get far. ” After what had just happened, it was hard for me to trust anything.
My friend Gloria came over that afternoon. “I heard about Gigi on the radio,” she said. “Everyone is looking for the car. The interstates are all blocked.” She took my hand.
“Look here,” Gloria said. “ I want you to have this picture, and I want you to pray with me.”
It was a picture of a little girl sound asleep in her bed. Standing by the bed was a tall, blond angel. His hand was touching the girl’s shoulder as he smiled down at her.
My nerves were frazzled. “You know I don’t believe in that kind of thing!” I snapped. “I’m too exhausted for any hocus-pocus right now, Gloria!I want my daughter home!” I started to shake, and then I began sobbing.
Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me. “Just pray with me,” she said, holding my hand.
I had no strength left, so we prayed and waited what seemed an eternity. Together, we waited by the phone until sunset. The phone never rang.
Suddenly, the front door swung open. I looked up and screamed.
There stood Gigi. “Gigi! Thank God!” I cried, throwing my arms around her, “Where did those men take you? How did you get home? Did the police find you?”
“No Mommy!” said Gigi. “I was really scared because those men said they were taking me far away. We were going really fast on an old rock road never seen before. But then a tall man walked out in front of the car, and they ran off the road and hit a tree.”
Then the tall man ran up and opened the car door and pulled me out. He was really nice, and said I would be okay now, and that those men couldn't hurt me. I must have gone to sleep, because then I woke up here in front of our house. He must have brought me home,”
“But who... how did he know... where to bring you?” My voice broke and trailed to a whisper.
“I don’t know, Mommy,” Gigi said. “But he was really friendly, and I wasn’t scared of him at all.”
Just then Gigi noticed Gloria’s picture on the mantle. “That's him!” She gave a loud cry, pointing at the picture. “Mommy, the tail blond man dressed like an angel. That’s the man that pulled me out of the car!”
I felt chill-bumps across my neck and arms. Gloria turned pale. “Are you sure that's the man?” Gloria asked.
“Yeah, that's him. Except he didn’t have wings, and he was wearing blue jeans and a tee shirt. But that's him exactly. I’d remember him anywhere!”
Later that night, the police found the injured kidnappers in their damaged car fifty miles from our home. When questioned-the driver remembered making a sharp turn to avoid hitting a tall blond man and the backseat door that Gigi sat by had been completely torn off its hinges.
Twenty years have gone by. We have never heard from anyone claiming to have rescued Gigi and there have been no logical explanations for Gigi’s miraculous escape and return home from a wreck so far away.
There have always been things that people can't explain. But, from that day forward, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning.
Gigi now takes her little girl to the park on Saturdays. They enjoy the sunlight as it dances in the treetops, the smell of popcorn, and the laughter of children. She keeps Gloria's picture on her mantle, and she remembers her angelic friend. And, like my daughter, I have a faith that has carried me through many trials since that day many years ago.
【小题1】The writer describes a happy scene at the beginning of the passage to___________.
A.introduce a topic
B.attract readers’attention
C.make a sharp contrast
D.show the beauty of nature
【小题2】What is the writer’s attitude towards the pray together with Gloria?
【小题3】The main reason why the kidnappers could be arrested was that__________.
A.the police followed and caught them
B.Gloria’s best friend helped the police to find them
C.an angel spotted them and took them to the police station
D.they had an accident when a tall man tried to stop their car
【小题4】What is conveyed in this passage?
A.the police are not reliable sometimes.
B.any bad man will be punished one day.
C.we should believe in God and pray every day.
D.we should always stay positive whatever happens.
【小题5】We can learn from the passage that__________.
A.the story was told from Gigi’s point of view
B.the man who rescued Gigi had known her before
C.Gigi was sure that the angel in the picture rescued her
D.the writer believed what Gigi said at the very beginning
【小题6】What can be best title for the passage?
A.picture of an angleB.power of God
C.Gigi’s escapeD.Mommy’s anxiety.
【小题1】C 细节理解题。文章第一段描述幸福的周六上午的情景,与第二段进行对比,故选C项。
【小题2】A 细节理解题。根据第七段提到My nerves were frazzled. “You know I don’t believe in that kind of thing!” I snapped.我的神经一下崩溃了。“你知道我是不相信那种事的!”我声音严厉地说可知选A项。
【小题3】D 细节理解题。根据第十二段提到We were going really fast on an old rock road never seen before. But then a tall man walked out in front of the car, and they ran off the road and hit a tree.可知我们在一条旧的岩石路上开得非常快,但是之后,有个高个男人在车的前面走出来,那些人就赶快逃开撞到一棵树上了可知选D项。
【小题4】D 细节推断题。根据二十段段提到There have always been things that people can't explain. But, from that day forward, I believe that all experiences, positive and negative, are given to us for our strengthening and learning可知世上总有一些人们无法解释的事情,但是,自从那天之后,我便深信那些事是神旨的功劳。我相信所有的经历,乐观的也好,悲观的也好,这些都给了我们力量和教导可知选D项。
【小题5】C 推断题。根据十五段提到Just then Gigi noticed Gloria’s picture on the mantle. “That's him!” She gave a loud cry, pointing at the picture. “Mommy, the tail blond man dressed like an angel. That’s the man that pulled me out of the car可知正在这时,Gigi注意到了披风上Gloria的照片,“就是他!”她指着那张照片尖叫道。“妈妈,那个高个子的金头男人穿的衣服就和这位天使一样,就是他把我从车里拉出来的,C项正确;
【小题6】A 主旨标题。本文作者以第一人称记叙了女儿Gigi被绑架之后莫名其妙地得救和被送回来的神奇经过。开篇前两段直接陈述事件:Gigi遭人绑架。经过警察盘问回到家之后,作者疲惫不堪.第四段至第九段记叙Gloria给作者拿来一张照片,两人为Gigi祈祷的经过.第十段至十九段描述Gigi奇迹般地得救.在被一个高个男子救出来后.又不知如何被送回家。最后几段是作者经过该事件之后对人生的感悟,感到人生的种种经历都很宝贵,能够让人们成长,学到很多东西,故选A是最佳标题。