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【小题1】He has already_______ ______ _______ _______(下定决心)study English hard.
【小题2】At present, a great number of people _____ _____walk to the office
______ ______drive .(宁愿…..而不愿)
【小题3】My mother bought a lot of vegetables so that she could make some soup. (改写)
My mother bought a lot of vegetables ______ ______ ______ ______ some soup.
【小题4】He _____ ________ (将出发) for London in two hours.
【小题5】My teacher said to us,“Light travels much faster than sound.”(改为间接引语)
【小题6】My English teacherplays an important role in my study.(就划线部分强调)
【小题7】I dislike the students. They often sleep in class . (合并为定语从句)
答案:【小题1】made up his mind
【小题2】prefer to ,rather than
【小题3】in order to make
【小题4】is leaving \will leave
【小题5】My teacher told us (that)light travels much faster than sound.
【小题6】It is My English teacher that\who plays an important role in my study.
【小题7】I dislike the students who\that often sleep in class.
【小题8】The person who was sitting beside me was an artist.
或 The person who is sitting beside me is an artist.
【小题1】made up his mind考查短语make up one’s mind用法。has already表明时态为现在完成时,所以动词make要用过去时made。意为他已经下定决心努力学英语了。
【小题2】prefer to ,rather than 考查短语prefer to + v rather than + v用法,宁愿…而不愿…。意为现在,许多人宁愿走去办公室而不愿开车。
【小题3】in order to make 考查表原因短语in order to+ v用法。意为母亲买蔬菜是为了做汤。
【小题4】is leaving \will leave 考查将来时用法。表示将来要发生的事情用will +v;表示计划或准备做的事用is +ving,在本剧中没有上下语境,所以两种用法都可以。意为两小时之内,他将出发去伦敦。
【小题5】My teacher told us (that)light travels much faster than sound. 考查间接引语用法。直接引语变间接引语须去掉引号,said变为told。意为老师告诉我们光速比声速快。
【小题6】It is My English teacher that\who plays an important role in my study. 考查强调句用法。陈述句改强调句是把需要强调的部分直接放在It is…that之间,其余部分直接放在that之后。意为我老师在我学习中扮演着重要的角色。
【小题7】I dislike the students who\that often sleep in class. 考查定语从句句型。定语从句通常由that引导,首先找到两个句子重合的地方,把前面的句子变成定语从句,重叠部分用that代替, 是人就用that或who,是物就用which,其他词一律不变。意为我不喜欢在课堂上睡觉的学生。
【小题8】The person who was sitting beside me was an artist. 考查定语从句。中文实际上分为两句:1、那个人坐我旁边。2、那个人是艺术家。定语从句通常由that引导,从句中的主语为人,因此用who来引导。从句部分是who was sitting beside me用来修饰主语the person。意为坐我旁边的那个人是个艺术家。