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Although most people know there are Seven Wonders in the Ancient world, only few people can name them. This is because most of them are no longer there except the pyramids. However, there is a growing list of wonders of the world today.
About nine years ago, UNESCO’s World Cultural and Nature Heritage (自然文化遗产) List had 411 places and 136 countries were responsible to protect them, and the list keeps on growing. Usually it is the task of a group of 21 experts to decide which places go on the list. The experts are chosen to work for six years. Their work is to examine and discuss the suggestions from different countries. They also manage the World Heritage Fund(基金) which can offer help to countries for protection work. Over the past centuries a lot of cultural or historic places have been destroyed by man or nature. Protecting our natural and cultural heritage is a long and difficult task. Earthquakes, floods, pollution, wars, or even tourism are some of the dangers that harm the heritage.
When a historic place is in great danger, it is put on the World Heritage in Danger List and necessary things will be done to protect it. Places which are on the danger list include Historic Bridges of Indiana, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Rosenwald School in Southern U.S., etc.
【小题1】.The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World include ________.
A.Golden Gate Bridge B.Sydney Opera House
C.the Great WallD.the pyramids
【小题2】According to the passage, ______ may provide some money for protecting the cultural relics.
A.UNESCO ( 联合国教科文组 )
B.the World Heritage Fund
C.the 21 experts
D.some countries
【小题3】Why does the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List keep on growing?
A. There are more cultural heritages beginning to appear.
B More countries begin to build cultural heritages.
C.A lot of cultural or historic places have disappeared.
D. More and more cultural heritages are in great danger.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true?
A.People can still visit the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World today.
B.Rosenwald School is a newly built school in Southern U.S.
C.More places will be added to the UNESCO list.
D.The list is decided mainly by the governments of different countries.
【小题5】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
B.21 Experts
C.The Growing List of Wonders of the World.
D.Some Historic Places in Danger
【小题1】细节理解题。 由第一段“Although most people know there are Seven Wonders in the Ancient world, only few people can name them. This is because most of them are no longer there except the pyramids.”可知,大部分人都知道世界七大古文明奇观,但是除了金字塔外,其他六大奇观几乎都已经不存在,所以很少有人能够说出它们的名字。从这句话中我们可以看出金字塔是世界七大古文明奇观之一,所以D正确。故选D。
【小题2】细节理解题。从文中第二段“They also manage the World Heritage Fund(基金) which can offer help to countries for protection work.” 可以看出,世界遗产基金会可以为那些需要进行保护的地区提供帮助,所以他们是可以提供资金援助的。故选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。 由文章第三段“When a historic place is in great danger, it is put on the World Heritage in Danger List and necessary things will be done to protect it.”可知,当一个历史遗址处于危险之中时,它就会被列入世界自然文化遗产之列,并对其进行保护。所以说,世界自然文化遗产的名单越多,那么处于危险之中,濒临消失的文化遗产就越多。故选D。
【小题4】细节理解题。由第一段可知,世界七大古文明奇观中除了金字塔外,其他六大奇观几乎都已经不存在,所以人们也不能参观,故A错;由文章最后一段可知,Rosenwald School属于文化遗产,所以它应该是建立很久了,B错;由第二段Usually it is the task of a group of 21 experts to decide which places go on the list.可知文化遗产列表主要是21位专家组成的团队决定的,D错;文章提到越来越多的文化遗产遭到破坏,所以说明越来越多的古文化会被列入世界自然文化遗产之录,C对。故选C。