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完成句子题 (用《必修5》所学的短语用正确的形式填空,本大题共8小题,除了76题是每空1分,其余每空0.5分,共 20 分)
Our class                   50 classmates and                         8 groups.
                                                   come to school at 9 tomorrow morning?
                       all the three sons of the old man graduated from Peking University.
I tried to                        , but he                        me.
Now electric trains                                         steam trains in England.
The policy is partly                      causing the worst unemployment in Europe.
Sue                                        after her operation.
It is a       that he                        my offer.
答案【小题1】consists of, is divided into
【小题2】Is it convenient for you to
【小题3】To their credit
【小题4】attract his attention, lost sight of
【小题5】have taken the place of
【小题6】to blame for
【小题7】was back on her feet.
【小题8】pity should have rejected
【小题1】consists of由......组成; is divided into被分成。 our class做主语相当于单数。所以谓语动词 应该用单三形式。
【小题2】你方便做某事吗?用Is it convenient for you to...?
【小题3】值得赞扬的是:To their credit
【小题4】吸引他的注意:attract his attention;看不见lost sight of。
【小题5】取代have taken the place of,结合句意可知用现在完成时。
【小题6】对......负责:to blame for
【小题7】恢复:was back on her feet.
【小题8】It is a pity 意为很遗憾......;should have rejected表竟然。