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Being positive is very important. So I often      my son to be positive. But one day I was caught not doing what I often tell him to do.
My son is 7 years old and he was     a show to be put on at his school. He was playing the role of an angel. On the evening before the show, he asked me, “Mom, can we     angels?” As usual, I seized(抓住)the      to teach him to be positive and I said, “Yes, but only those who are perfect, and think and talk positively can.” He asked, “You must have seen them then?”
I was     for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. I was touched by his     that his mother was a perfect person. He looked into my eyes,      a positive answer. I chose to be     with him and told him, “No. I’ve not been a good person all the time.” I was almost     to admit this to him. I thought that his     of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces. But he     it positively and said, “It’s all right. You know to try to be better from now on.” I smiled as I replied,  “ That’s     . Sometimes, we might make a     , but when we do, we must always try to do better.”
My son’s      struck me right in my heart and are always with me. I learned a good lesson that day “to always try to be better.” This will always      me in all situations where I’ll need to be positive.
A.going throughB.preparing forC.turning toD.looking for
A.glad B.surprisedC.relaxedD.embarrassed
【小题1】D考查动词辨析。A. show“展示,显示”; B. refuse“拒绝”; C. worry“担心”; D. encourage“鼓励”,因为语境“Being positive is very important.”,可知作者认为积极乐观地面对生活很重要,所以“我”会经常“鼓励”儿子要乐观地面对生活。故该题正确答案为D.
【小题2】B考查动词短语辨析。A. going through“经历;被通过;仔细审查/检查”; B. preparing for“为…做准备”; C. turning to“转向;变成;求助于”; D. looking for“寻找”,根据下文“He was playing the role of an angel.”(他扮演天使)可知,该句句意:“作者的儿子正在为学校里的一场表演‘做准备’。”,故该题正确答案为B.
【小题3】D考查动词辨析。 A. describe “描写”; B. draw“画”; C. invite“邀请”; D. see“看见”根据该段(第二段)最后一句“You must have seen them then?”可知,该处孩子问得是他们是否能“看见”天使,故该题正确答案为D.
【小题4】C考查名词辨析。A. feeling“感受”; B. attitude“态度”; C. chance“”; D. method“方法”,根据语境可知,“As usual”像往常一样,作者抓住“机会”教育儿子要积极乐观。故该题正确答案为C.
【小题5】D考查形容词辨析。A. pleased“高兴的”; B. interested“感兴趣的”; C. excited“兴奋的”; D. quiet“安静的”,根据语境“not knowing what to say”(不知道说些什么)可知,作者“沉默了”一会儿。故该题正确答案为D.
【小题6】A考查名词辨析。. A. thought“想法;思考”; B. behavior“行动”; C. dream“梦;梦想”; D. story“故事”,根据语境可知,作者是个完美的人,应存在于在儿子的“想法”里,故该空正确答案为A.
【小题7】B 考查非谓语辨析。 A. making“制造,形成”; B. expecting“期望”; C. trying“尝试”; D. choosing “选择”,根据上文可知,在孩子眼中作者(自己的母亲)是个完美的人,孩子认为作者一定见到过天使,所以他在“期待”一个肯定的答案,故该题正确答案为B.
【小题8】D考查形容词辨析。 A. wrong“错误的”; B. angry“生气的”; C. strict“严格的”; D. honest
“诚实的”,根据下文作者给儿子的回答“No. I’ve not been a good person all the time.”可知,作者决定“诚实”面对自己的孩子。故该题正确答案为D.
【小题9】D考查形容词辨析。A. glad“高兴的”; B. surprised“感到惊讶的”; C. relaxed“放松的”; D. embarrassed“尴尬的”,根据语境可知在孩子面前承认自己的不足,显然是感到“尴尬的”,故该题正确答案为D.
【小题10】C考查名词辨析。A. description“描述”; B. speech“演讲”; C. picture“印象;图画;照片”; D.idea“想法,主意”,根据该句中的“of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces”可知该句句意应为“作者认为此时自己在儿子心中的完美‘形象’一定破碎了。”故该题正确答案为C.
【小题11】B考查动词辨析。A. finished“完成”; B. took“以(某种方式)对待;拿,取”; C. caught“抓住”; D. changed“改变”,根据语境可知,该句句意:“但是,儿子却‘积极乐观地对待’这个事(母亲并不完美)”,且take it positively:“乐观对待”,故该题正确答案为B.
【小题12】A考查名词辨析。A. right“正确的”; B. fine“好的”; C. impossible“不可能的”; D. unnecessary“不必要的”,根据下文可知,作者是赞成儿子的话的,她认为儿子的话是对的,故该处应选择A.
【小题13】D考查名词辨析。 A. change“改变”; B. decision“决定”; C. difference“不同”; D. mistake“错误”,根据下文“but when we do, we must always try to do better”,且结合逻辑:只有在“做错事”的情况下,才能改良做得更好。故该题正确答案为D.
【小题14】A考查名词辨析。 A. words“话语”; B. performances“表演;执行”; C. joy“快乐”; D. progress“进步”,根据语境可知,是儿子的“话”让作者感触颇深。故该题正确答案为A.
【小题15】C考查动词辨析。A. hurt“伤害”; B. protect“保护”;  C. help“帮助”; D. find“发现”,根据语境可知,该句句意:“在任何‘我’需要积极乐观的时候,儿子的话都会对‘我’有所‘帮助’。”故该题正确答案为C.