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“China now has 350 million smokers, accounting for one-third of the world total. Chinese smokers now become addicted to nicotine at the age of 19, five years earlier than the average starting age of 24 in 1997,” a report said a couple of years ago.
Of the 1.1 billion smokers all over the world. more than 800 million are in developing countries. And as the world's largest developing country, China also has the largest number of smokers.
Some frightening facts start to appear when we examine who China’s smokers are. Of the 350 million addicts, more than 100 million are under the age of 18, while more than 50 percent of male teachers and doctors are smokers.
Such a high rate of addicts among male teachers and doctors will certainly have a bad impact on the young generation.
Teachers are usually expected to be role models for students who tend to consider whatever they do is right and follow their example. It is very likely that the number of teenage smokers will increase in the near future unless measures are taken to forbid teachers from smoking in front of their students or designate schools as no-smoking zones.
What is truly puzzling is why so many doctors smoke. They are aware of the results of the habit, such as high blood pressure and lung cancer. Their example only helps justify the addiction of so many others.
If educated people set an example by stopping smoking at least in public places. it would be much easier to drive home the notion that it is uncivilized to smoke in public places.
In China, there should also be a national law to ban smoking in public places. These would make a massive contribution to cutting the number of people in China who are smoking themselves into early grave.
【小题1】Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?
A.Time to Kick the Habit
B.China Bans Smoking in Public Places
C.Smokers in China
D.Make People Aware of Smoking
【小题2】In developing countries, China has the largest number of smokers, which covers  .
A.one-third of its total
B.one-eighth of its total
C.1ess than half its total
D.more than half its total
【小题3】In the writer's opinion, who have influenced young smokers, especially those under l8?
A.Parents.B.Teachers only.
C.Advertisements.D.Teachers and doctors.
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.In China. those who get into the habit of smoking seem to be younger and younger.
B.More than half of the teachers and doctors are smokers in China.
C.The writer suggests schools should be designated as no-smoking zones.
D.It is of great benefit to forbid smoking in public places.
【小题1】选择最佳标题。根据最后一段“In China, there should also be a national law to ban smoking in public places.”可知,作者认为中国应该制定法律来禁止在公共场合抽烟,说明中国还没有制定相关法律,排除B;文章前两段介绍了中国吸烟者的人数,第三至第六段讲的是男性教师和医生对年轻人产生不好的影响,并提出了应对的办法;最后两段讲的是怎样减少吸烟的人数,说明文章主要讲的是,现在是时候采取措施来减少吸烟者的数量了,故选A。
【小题2】细节理解题。根据第一段“China now has 350 million smokers”和第二段“more than 800 million are in developing countries”可知,中国的吸烟者所占的比例不到发展中国家的一半,故选C。
【小题3】推理判断题。根据第四段“Such a high rate of addicts among male teachers and doctors will certainly have a bad impact on the young generation.”可知,男性教师和男性医生中的抽烟者对年轻人有不好的影响,根据第五段“Teachers are usually expected to be role models for students”和第六段“Their example only helps justify the addiction of so many others.”可知,学生会模仿老师抽烟,医生的抽烟行为让其他人认为抽烟是正当的,说明医生和老师都对年轻人产生影响,故选D。
【小题4】推理判断题。根据第三段“while more than 50 percent of male teachers and doctors are smokers”可知,这里说的是超过一半的男性老师和男性医生,B项说的是超过一半的老师和医生,其中包括了女教师和女医生,这个说法是不准确的,故选B。