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The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. In fact, he didn’t even seem like the      person.
When I first knew Bill, back in   , he was one of the most carefree(无忧无虑) people I had ever     . He was always ready to have a party. He thought    of going out for beer at three o’clock in the morning or driving 15 miles to see an old    he really liked. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and     was never dull when he was     . With him there was one wild     after another. Sometimes I wonder how we     to study for our exams.
Last week I was in Houston on business and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel.      , I wasn’t even sure it was     . Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He       most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the     thing Bill cared about were possessions(财富). Now they seemed to be his main     . Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow I never      Bill changing so much. My image of him     the one I had formed     the time when we were college students together.
I suppose it’s     to expect people to remain the same, especially     I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he   55  the same way about me.
A.childhoodB.the armyC.his thirtiesD.college
A.First of allB.At firstC.Now and thenD.All the time
【小题1】考查形容词辨析。A合适的,适当的;B通常的;C同一的,相同的;D正确的。根据前一句“I couldn’t believe the change in him.”可知,Bill发生了很大的变化,他甚至与以前判若两人,the same...同一个......,故选C。
【小题2】考查名词辨析。A童年;B军队;C三十多岁;D大学。根据下文“Bill and I were in the same class in college”可知,这里回忆的是作者和Bill在大学初次遇见时的事情,故选D。
【小题3】考查动词辨析。A考虑;B遇到,满足;C应该;D期望。he was one of the most carefree(无忧无虑) people I had ever    作者认为Bill是他遇到过的最无忧无虑的人之一,故选B。
【小题4】考查不定代词。A大多数;B很多;C什么也没有;D一个也没有。He thought    of going out for beer at three o’clock in the morning根据前一句可知,Bill做好了随时参加晚会的准备,由此可知,他认为凌晨三点外出喝啤酒没什么,think nothing of不重视,认为......没什么,故选C。
【小题5】考查名词辨析。A电影;B医院;C人,男人,人类;D国家,乡村。or driving 15 miles to see an old    he really liked从上句可知,Bill生活无忧无虑,因此他不介意开车15英里去看他喜欢的老电影,故选A。
【小题6】考查名词辨析。A知识,学术;B生命,生活;C工作;D乐趣。and     was never dull生活永远不会无聊,作者和Bill上大学时在同一个班,这里指的是他们的大学生活,故选B。
【小题7】考查介词辨析。A在……里面;B在……外;C在周围;D离开,远处。   was never dull when he was     .有Bill在身边的生活永远都不会无聊,故选C。
【小题8】考查名词辨析。A玩笑;B错误;C机会;D不寻常的经历,奇遇,刺激,冒险。With him there was one wild     after another.和Bill在一起,总会有接连不断的奇特经历,故选D。
【小题9】考查动词辨析。A设法完成,管理;B继续;C决定;D希望。Sometimes I wonder how we     to study for our exams.有时候,作者会担心该怎样学习准备考试,这里指作者受到了Bill无忧无虑的生活态度的影响,故选A。
【小题10】考查短语辨析。A首先,第一;B起初;C有时;D一直。    , I wasn’t even sure it was起初遇到Bill时,作者甚至不确定那个人就是他,故选B。
【小题11】考查代词辨析。A指代不可数名词或比较对象;B他;C那里;D我们。I wasn’t even sure it was     .作者不确定那就是他,这里指Bill,故选B。
【小题12】考查动词辨析。A认为,考虑;B花费,度过;C争论;D谈论。He     most of the evening about his job他整个晚上几乎都在谈论他的工作、新车和房子,talk about谈论,故选D。
【小题13】考查形容词辨析。A第一的,最先的;B次于的,紧接着的;C最后的,最不可能的;D唯一的,仅仅。根据“How he had changed!”可知,这里强调的是Bill的变化很大,如果回到大学时候,Bill最不可能关心的就是财富问题,故选C。
【小题14】考查名词辨析。A兴趣;B事件,运动项目;C主题,学科;D问题。Now they seemed to be his main     .然而现在,财富问题似乎成了Bill主要的兴趣,故选A。
【小题15】考查动词辨析。A忘记;B注意,介意,照顾;C想象;D喜欢。somehow I never      Bill changing so much作者虽然也有变化,但作者从未想象到Bill的变化会如此大,imagine sb/one’s doing sth想象某人做某事,故选C。
【小题16】考查动词辨析。A保持;B提醒;C建议;D变成,成为。根据“the one I had formed     the time when we were college students together.”可知,作者对Bill的印象仍然停留在大学时候,这里指Bill在作者的印象中一直保持着大学时候的形象,根据下一段“expect people to remain the same”可知答案,故选A。
【小题17】考查介词辨析。A自从;B从……,来自;C在;D直到。     the time when we were college students together在大学时候形成的印象,at the time...在......时候,故选C。
【小题18】考查形容词辨析。A不需要的,多余的;B愚蠢的;C常见的,一般的,共同的;D不寻常的。I suppose it’s    to expect people to remain the same期望一个人一直保持不变是愚蠢的想法,故选B。
【小题19】考查连词辨析。A因为;that不直接引导状语从句;C怎样;D当,既然。especially     I have changed so much myself特别是当自己已经改变很多的时候,期望他人不要改变是不现实的,故选D。
【小题20】考查动词辨析。   A发现;B行动,表现,起作用;C看,朝向,看起来;D感觉,认为。Maybe he     the same way about me.相比较而言,作者更喜欢以前的那个Bill,同样,Bill可能也是这样认为的,故选D。