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句子转换 根据上一句的意思,完成下一句,每空一词(共10个空格;每格0.5分,满分5分)
【小题1】Some people assume that traffic laws don’t apply to them.
Some people _______ the _______ that traffic laws don’t apply to them.
【小题2】The library is still being constructed and it will be the largest one in the city.
The library is still _______ _______ and it will be the largest one in the city.
【小题3】Common people have no easy access to such important information.
Such important information is not easily _______ _______ common people.
【小题4】To our great surprise, he dropped out of the race at the last moment.
To our great surprise, he _______ _______ the race at the last moment.
【小题5】We agree with the idea that Yoga is beneficial to our health.
We _______ _______ the idea that Yoga is beneficial to our health.
答案:【小题1】make; assumption
【小题2】under construction
【小题3】accessible to
【小题4】withdrew from
【小题5】subscribe to
【小题1】考查短语。这里动词assume转换为make an assumption。
【小题2】考查短语。这里进行时being constructed转换为短语under construction。
【小题3】考查短语转换。短语have access to转换为be accessible to。
【小题4】考查短语转换。短语drop out of转换为withdrew from。
【小题5】考查短语转换。短语agree with转换为subscribe to。