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One miserable rainy night,a man named Mark decided to end his life. In his mid-fifties, Mark had never been married.__  the joy of having children or spent holidays with his family. Wet and unhappy, he walked along the streets, feeling as if there was __    in the entire world that cared whether he lived or died
____  ,1 was sitting in my room watching the rain hit my window. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair and  __     0ut. But my mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very dirty-looking man with tears streaming down his face. My mother, overcome by____  ,invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room.
____  ,1 walked secretly downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldn't understand what they were saying,but the  __     0f the man, holding his head in his hands and crying, made my chest ache. I raced back upstairs to my room and____  my hand into my money jar. Pulling  out my only half-dollar coin,I ran back downstairs.
When I   __      the door of the living room, I walked right in .The three adults looked at me in  __      as I quickly made my way over the stranger. I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a  __  ,turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back upstairs. I felt excited but happy
Downstairs, Mark sat quietly with his head __    .Tears streamed down his face as he tightly held that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, "It’s ___  that I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years,I have been so __     .That is the first hug I have ever got. It’s hard to believe that somebody __  
Mark's life changed that night. When he left our house, he was__  __      to live instead of die.____  we never saw Mark again, we received letters from him every once in a while, letting us know that he was doing fine
My life changed that night, too, as I witnessed the hue healing power of ___  .even if it’s  only a  gift of fifty cents.
Before Mark left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Mark said that_____  he'd walked along the streets that rainy night, helpless and ready to—55一,he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU.
A.shookB. LuckC.pushedD.forced
【小题1】C动词辨析。.A believed 相信; noticed 发现;C. experienced 经历;D. understood理解。根据前句内容可知Mark没有结过婚,所以也就没有体验过和家人、孩子在一起的快乐,选C。
【小题2】D代词辨析。A. everybody每个人;B. somebody某个人; C anybody任何人; D nobody没有人。从上文内容可知他不开心,而且想要结束自己的生命,由此判断他感觉孤独,没人关心他,而且下文"It’s _    that I thought nobody cared也是提示信息,选D。
【小题3】D.副词辨析。A Later 后来;B First 首先;  C Afterwards过后; D Meanwhile与此同时。从下文可知作者正好在当Mark要自杀的时候在房间内看雨,选D。
【小题4】B动词辨析。 A looked 看; B. raced 赛跑;  C. spoke 说话;D. broke打破。从语境可知作者是跑着去开门,选B。
【小题5】A.名词辨析。A pity怜悯,同情; B. anxiety焦虑;  C guilty 内疚; D. fear害怕。从后句内容可知作者的母亲把那个人请进屋子,由此判断对他充满同情之心,选A。
【小题6】B.形容词辨析。 A. Worried 担心的;  B. Curious好奇的; C. Puzzled 迷惑的;  D. Annoyed恼火的。根据后句内容可知作者悄悄走到楼梯下去看看这个人,由此判断作者很好奇,选B.
【小题7】C名词辨析。 A. sense感觉; B. thought想法; C. sight 情景;视力; D. look看。从上文可知作者为了更好得看看这个人而躲到楼梯下,而且后句内容是描述这个人的样子,由此判断此处指作者看到的情景,选C。
【小题8】B动词辨析。A. shook摇晃; B.  Luck碰运气; C. pushed推;  D. forced强迫。从语境可知作者对这个陌生人非常同情,于是跑到房间里把手伸进储钱罐,去碰碰运气,看有没有钱。选B。
【小题9】D动词辨析。 A: answered回答;B. fixed 固定; C. found 发现; D. reached到达。从语境可知作者从卧室跑到楼下,到了门口,选D。
【小题10】D名词辨析。 A. anger生气; B. delight 高兴; C. peace和平;  D. surprise惊讶。根据后句内容可知大人们不知道作者为什么急匆匆跑到陌生人面前,由此判断他们很惊讶,选D。
【小题11】A. 名词辨析。A. hug拥抱; B. kiss亲吻; C. smile 微笑;  D. handshake握手。根据下文中That is the first hug,可知选A。
【小题12】C动词辨析。A. held 握住;  B. turned 变,转;C. bowed垂下,鞠躬; D. raised举起。从下文中Finally looking up at my parents,可知陌生人开始低着头,选C。
【小题13】A. 副词辨析。A. just 仅仅;  B. still仍然; C. also也; D. even甚至。从文章首段内容可知Mark仅仅因为在雨中很失意,感觉没人关心他,就想要结束自己的生命,故选A。
【小题14】C.形容词辨析。 A. anxious 焦虑的; B. stressed 有压力的; C. lonely孤独的; D. bored无聊的。根据文章首段内容可知Mark孤身一人生活,没有家人,而且感觉没有人关心他,由此判断他很孤独,选C。
【小题15】A动词辨析。. A. cares 关心;  B. gets 得到;C. makes 制作,使; D. knows知道。通过作者的拥抱和作者家人的好意,可知Mark感到了别人的关心,选A.
【小题16】D形容词辨析。A. lucky幸运的; B. proud 骄傲的;   C. hesitant 犹豫的; D. ready准备好。从上文内容可知Mark感受到了来自别人的关心,对生活充满了期待,准备继续活下去,选D。
【小题17】C连词辨析。 A. Since自从; B. When 当…时候; C. Although 尽管;D. Unless除非。作者从此没见过Mark,但是会时常收到他的来信,前后句是转折关系,故答案选C。
【小题18】B动词辨析。A. receiving 接收;B. giving 给; C. loving爱;   D. taking带走。根据上下文可知作者给了Mark自己攒的零用钱,感觉到了给予所带来的快乐,选B。
【小题19】B连词辨析。 A. if 如果;B. as当…时候; C. until 直到;D. before在之前。根据语境可知是当Mark在街上走的时候看到一张汽车上的贴纸,选B。
【小题20】A动词辨析。A. die 死; B. cry 喊叫,哭; C. leave 离开;D. regret遗憾。从上文可知Mark打算自杀,选A。