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I used to be the messiest person alive.Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.
Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen.Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.
Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.
You should ensure that if for some reason way one doesn’t work, you have way two and way three to lean back on.Therefore, different ways are needed at hand.It’s just a matter of being organized.Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of those ways doesn’t work, one of the other ones will.
Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary.It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.
If you make a commitment to finish before a specific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.
Don’t try to tackle more things all at a time.All that does can delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.
Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible.You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not deviating or trying to do more at a time.
Last but not least, you should never abandon things mid-project.It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself.Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases, even money.
So, don’t be afraid of organization.The older we get, the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way.It pays to be organized, after all.
Title: Tips on how to be【小题1】_____ in your life
【小题3】_____ down your plan
◆List everything you need
◆List the【小题4】_____ you will follow
To make your plan happen
Prepare three【小题5】_____ ways to carry out your plan
To【小题6】_____ that you can have some other choices when one way doesn’t work.
【小题7】_____ to finish at least part of your plan if not all
Do everything【小题8】_____ your own time-frame
To show yourself you are determined to get things started and caring about the results.
Do one thing at once
Stick to the order of your plan
To save your interest, motivation and energy
Finish what you have started
To get your plan 【小题9】______out   thoroughly.
You shouldn’t be afraid of organization because it’s really worthwhile.
【小题3】第2自然段可知,write down 写下你的计划
【小题4】第2自然段第2句,Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.可知列举一些你要做的步骤。steps 步骤
【小题5】第四自然段可知,你需要准备两到三种方法来实施你的计划。故填different 不同的
【小题7】第五自然段Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary.可知,假如不能完成全部时,答应自己完成一部分,故填promise
【小题8】第六自然段and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.可知在自己设定的时间期限内,做一切事情。
【小题9】倒数第二段,为了使整个计划彻底完成,不要半途而废。get sth done 让…被完成
【小题10】最后一段,so 可知是结论 conclusion