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“Grandpa, what was the hardest thing you ever had in your life?” I expected a story of physical     during those hard times, but Grandpa stopped walking and began to speak with            in his eyes.
“Your grandma got       after your Aunt Mary was born. Since there was no one to     your mom and uncles, I had to send them to an orphanage (孤儿院)       I could take two or three jobs until your grandma got well. The      thing I ever had to do was put my babies there. I went every      to see them, but the nuns (修女) wouldn’t let me talk to them. I could only      my children play from behind a one-way (单向的) mirror. Sure, I brought them candies every week, but I could       hope they knew the candies were     me. I would keep both hands on the glass for the thirty minutes I was       to see them, hoping they would see me and come to touch my      ― but they never did. I’ll never      myself for not holding them.”
I had never seen my grandfather cry before. He       me close, and I told him that I had the best grandfather ever and that I loved him.
For fifteen years, that       talk with Grandpa remained our     .
After my grandmother passed away, my grandfather began to      a loss of memory. I     to encourage my mother to let Grandpa come and live with us, but she said, “Why? He never       what happened to us!”
“He has always cared for you and loved you. He was really     for not being able to hold you that year!” I said. Tears started to gather in the corners of her eyes. The anger and sadness faded (逐渐消失) from her face. Not long after, my grandfather came to live with us.
A.strength B.work C.exerciseD.examination
A.patienceB.pleasureC.care D.tears
A.sick B.lost C.disappointedD.changed
A.look forB.depend onC.take care of D.look up to
A.but B.soC.or D.if
A.happiest B.bravestC.easiest D.hardest
A.week B.day C.month D.afternoon
A.feel B.hear C.make D.watch
A.nearly B.certainlyC.only D.seldom
A.about B.for C.with D.from
A.allowed B.orderedC.begged D.encouraged
A.hands B.glassesC.candies D.eyes
A.help B.devote C.forgive D.enjoy
A.ran B.caught C.followed D.held
A.strange B.specialC.active D.lucky
A.pity B.shame C.puzzle D.secret
A.get rid ofB.pay attention toC.suffer fromD.recover from
A.tried B.managedC.agreed D.promised
A.talked aboutB.cared aboutC.found out D.left out
A.cruel B.unfortunateC.responsible D.sorry
【小题1】B考查名词辨析A. strength力量;B. work工作;C. exercise练习;D. examination考试;句意:我期望着在那段艰难的时期有一段体力的工作。根据语境可知选B项。
【小题2】D 考查名词辨析A. patience耐心;B. pleasure高兴;C. care关心;D. tears眼泪;句意:但外公停下来,满含热泪的来向我讲述。根据语境可知充满心酸,故选D项。
【小题3】A考查形容词辨析A. sick生病的;B. lost迷路的;C. disappointed失望的;D. changed改变;句意:你外婆在你玛丽阿姨出生时就生病了。根据下方提到until your grandma got well直到外婆好起来可知生病了,故选A项。
【小题4】C考查动词短语辨析A. look for 寻找;B. depend on依靠;C. take care of照顾;D. look up to期望;句意:因为没有人来照顾你妈妈和舅舅,我不得不把他们送到孤儿院,因此我就能做二到三份工作直到你外婆好起来。根据语境可知没有照看孩子,故选C项。
【小题5】B考查连词辨析A. but但是;B. so因此;C. or 否则;D. if如果;句意:因为没有人来照顾你妈妈和舅舅,我不得不把他们送到孤儿院,因此我就能做二到三份工作直到你外婆好起来。两个句子是因果关系,故选B项。
【小题6】D考查形容词辨析A. happiest 快乐的;B. bravest最勇敢的;C. easiest最容易的;D. hardest最难的;句意:我所做地最困难的事情是把孩子放在那。根据语境可知这把孩子放在那是很痛苦的,故选D项。
【小题7】A考查名词辨析A. week星期;B. day天;C. month 月;D. afternoon下午;我每周都去看他们,但修女不让我跟他们说话。根据下文提到Sure, I brought them candies every week,每周都带糖果去,故选A项。
【小题8】D考查动词辨析A. feel感觉;B. hear听到;C. make使;D. watch看;我只能通过单向的镜子看到我的孩子在玩。根据语境可知选D项。
【小题9】C考查副词辨析A. nearly几乎;B. certainly确切地;C. only只有;D. seldom很少;句意:我只希望他们知道这些糖来自于我。根据语境可知只有这一个要求,故选C项。
【小题10】D考查介词新A. about关于;B. for为了;C. with与。。;D. from来自;句意:我只希望他们知道这些糖来自于我。Be from 来自,故选D项。
【小题11】A考查动词辨析A. allowed允许;B. ordered命令;C. begged乞求;D. encouraged鼓励;句意:允许我看到他们,希望他们能看到我,来接触一下我的托,但是他们没有这样做。Be allowed to do 被允许做某事,故选A项。
【小题12】A考查名词辨析A. hands手;B. glasses眼镜;C. candies 糖;D. eyes眼;句意:允许我看到他们,希望他们能看到我,来接触一下我的托,但是他们没有这样做。根据上文提到I would keep both hands on the glass for the thirty minutes把手放在玻璃上,故选A项。
【小题13】C考查动词辨析A. help帮助;B. devote投入;C. forgive 原谅;D. enjoy喜欢;我从来没有因为没有握住他们的手而原谅自己。根据语境可知选C项。
【小题14】D考查动词辨析A. ran跑;B. caught抓住;C. followed跟随;D. held抓住;句意:他紧紧地握住 我的手。根据I told him that I had the best grandfather ever and that I loved him我告诉我最爱他了,可知选D项。
【小题15】B考查形容词辨析A. strange奇怪的;B. special特别的;C. active积极的;D. lucky幸运的;句意:十五年了,这个次特别的交谈一直是我们的秘密。根据语境可知选B项。
【小题16】D考查名词辨析A. pity遗憾;B. shame羞愧;C. puzzle困惑;D. secret秘密;句意:十五年了,这个次特别的交谈一直是我们的秘密。根据语境可知谁也没有说过,故选D项。
【小题17】C考查动词短语辨析A. get rid of 摆脱;B. pay attention to注意;C. suffer from遭受;D. recover from恢复;句意:当我外公去世,我的爷爷开始失去记忆,我尝试着鼓励我的妈妈让外婆来跟我们一起生活。根据语境可知爷爷生病了,丧失了记忆,故选C项。
【小题18】A考查动词辨析A. tried尝试;B. managed管理;C. agreed同意;D. promised许诺;句意:当我奶奶去世,我的爷爷开始失去记忆,我尝试着鼓励我的妈妈让外婆来跟我们一起生活。Try to do 试着做某事,故选A项。
【小题19】B考查动词短语辨析A. talked about谈论;B. cared about关心;C. found out 发现;D. left out遗漏;妈妈说,为什么,他不会关心我们发生什么事的。根据but可知母亲并不同意,故选B项。
【小题20】D考查形容词辨析A. cruel残酷的;B. unfortunate不幸的;C. responsible负责的;D. sorry抱歉;句意:他真的为当年没有握住你的手而感到抱歉。根据整个文章推断外公很内疚,故选D项。