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书面表达 (5分)
请根据以下要点,以My lifestyle为题,写一篇短文
1. 我喜欢汉堡,可乐以及各种果汁。
2. 爱吃甜食;很少锻炼。
3. 现在我想改变生活方式。
4. 我计划早起;我需要多吃鱼、蔬菜和水果。
5. 我计划两餐间喝牛奶;一周游泳两次。
答案One possible version
My lifestyle
I’m Jack. I like eating hamburgers, and drinking coke and all kinds of juice. I like sweet food, but I seldom exercise. Now I want to change my lifestyle. I plan to get up early , and I need to eat more fish, vegetables and fruits. Because they are good for my health. I want to drink milk between two meals. I exercise more, and swim twice a week. I think I will have a healthy lifestyle and I will be healthier in this way.