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Health needs good sleep. Do you know ______ to sleep well?
You should go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every _____. This good habit (习惯) can make you sleep better. Don’t sleep for _____ hours on Saturday and Sunday mornings. And if you follow a good schedule (时间表) for a longer time, you will have ______ energy and feel good.
Don’t watch television ______ you go to bed. You need to be _____ before you go to bed. You can read a book or listen to music. It helps your body get ready for sleep, just like warming up (热身) can get your body ready for ________.
Everybody knows that exercise can make you sleep better. But if you do exercise right before you go to bed, it will stimulate (刺激) your _____ and that makes it difficult to fall asleep (入睡) quickly. If _____ time is the only time you can exercise, you should try to do it as ________ as possible.
【小题1】考查代词及语境的理解。A. what 什么;B. how如何;C. when 何时;D. where哪里。句意:你知道如何睡得好吗?结合上下文,此处表示睡得好的方法,故用疑问词how。故选B。
【小题2】考查名词及语境的理解。A. afternoon 下午;B. night夜晚; C. evening 夜晚;D. morning早上。句意:你应该每天晚上在同一时间睡觉,每天早上在同一时间起床。根据get up可知此处指的是起床时间,因此应是在早上。故选D。
【小题3】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. long 长的;B. short 短的;C. few 很少的;D. little小的。句意:不要在星期六和星期天早上睡很长时间。根据And if you follow a good schedule (时间表) for a longer time, you will have _____ energy and feel good. 可知如果不按照时间表睡眠是不好的,因此此处建议不要在星期六和星期天睡很长时间。故选A。
【小题4】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. few 很少的;B. little 小的;C. less 更少的;D. more更多的。句意:如果你长时间遵循一个好的时间表,你将会有更多的经历而且感觉好。与feel good相并列,应是褒义词,故此处应是有更多的经历。故选D。
【小题5】考查连词及语境的理解。A. because因为; B. or 或者;C. before 在......之前; D. after在......之后。句意:在上床睡觉之前不要看电视。根据You need to be ______ before you go to bed.可知此处指的是上床睡觉之前。故选C。
【小题6】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. quiet 安静的;B. tired 疲倦的;C. happy 高兴的;D. free自由的。句意:睡觉之前,你需要安静。根据You can read a book or listen to music.可知此处读书或听音乐,应是比较安静的活动。故选A。
【小题7】考查名词及语境的理解。A. meals 饭;B. exercise 锻炼;C. study 学习;D. sleep睡眠。句意:就像热身可以时你的身体为睡眠做好准备。根据 It helps your body get ready for sleep,可知这帮助身体为睡眠做好准备,故此处应是指的睡眠。故选D。
【小题8】考查名词及语境的理解。A. health 健康;B. time 时间;C. body 身体;D. dream梦想。句意:但是如果你睡前做锻炼,这将刺激你的身体。根据that makes it difficult to fall asleep (入睡) quickly.可知此处指的是使身体很难入睡,故选C。
【小题9】考查名词及语境的理解。A. free 自由的;B. work 工作;C. day 白天;D. night夜晚。句意:如果只有晚上是你可以锻炼的时间。根据But if you do exercise right before you go to bed, 可知此处指的是睡觉前锻炼,因此此处的锻炼应是晚上。故选D。
【小题10】考查副词及语境的理解。A. often 经常;B. slow 缓慢的; C. early 早的;D. late晚的。句意:你应该努力尽可能早做锻炼。根据it will stimulate (刺激) your _______ and that makes it difficult to fall asleep (入睡) quickly. 可知睡觉前做锻炼会是你很难睡觉,因此应尽可能早做锻炼。故选C。