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【小题1】He regretted not f________ on revision before the exam. Otherwise, he would have done better.
【小题2】The number of people in the village has ________ from 150 to 100.
【小题3】If you insist on eating so much sweet food, you’ll have to suffer the c________.
【小题4】The hotel offers its guests a wide v________ of amusements.
【小题5】When I came in, he g________ at me as if I had made a great mistake.
【小题6】You might want to consider t________ work until you decide what you want to do.
【小题7】What’s the p________ for applying for a visa?
【小题8】The children c________ a pumpkin into a frightening mask.
【小题9】The engineer gave a _________(描述) of how to use the computer to his assistant.
【小题10】If you don’t like the school lunch, you have the a________ of bringing your own.
【小题1】考查动词。考查动词regret用法:regret doing后悔做过某事;短语focus on集中于。句意:他后悔考试前没有专心复习。否则,他将会做得更好。
【小题4】考查名词。本题考查短语a variety of多种多样的。句意:宾馆为客人提供了多种多样的娱乐。
【小题5】考查动词。根据前句判断用一般过去时态。短语glare at怒视。句意:当我进来的时候,他朝我怒视,好像我犯了大错误似的。