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—A: What time did you have to get up when you were staying on the farm?
—B: At about five o’clock.
—A:  【小题1】.
—B: Well, there were so many things to do. Are you going to the country next summer?
—A:  【小题2】
—B: It must be a delightful change for you, after living all the years in town.
—A: Yes, it is.
—B: Life in the country is so peaceful. It’s so nice that you don’t have to worry about missing the bus every morning.
—A:  【小题3】
—B: We can if we want to, but, of course, we’re not forced to. We just do as we like.
—A: Well, I’ve never spent a holiday on a farm, so I don’t know what it is like.
—B: Haven’t you really? Oh, you ought to.【小题4】You needn’t be afraid that you’ll have to work too hard.
—A: I’d love to. Personally, 【小题5】 I like the fresh air in the countryside.
【小题1】F根据下一句回答Well, there were so many things to do有很多事情要做;可知前面一句询问对方为什么起得这么早。光顾F正确。
【小题2】C 根据前面一句Are you going to the country next summer?可知询问对方明年夏天是否要到乡下去?本句是对这个问句的回答。故C正确。
【小题3】E 根据下一句We can if we want to, but, of course, we’re not forced to.如果你想做你就可以做;但是我们不会被迫去做。根据本句内容可知前面一句是询问对方在农场里是否有很多事情要做。故E项符合上下文串联。
【小题4】A 根据前面一句I’ve never spent a holiday on a farm, so I don’t know what it is like.可知对方还没有到农场度过假。所以本句是邀请对方和自己一起去农场度假。故A正确。
【小题5】B 根据横线的前后内容I’d love to 和I like the fresh air in the countryside.可知A很喜欢乡下生活,B项符合他的想法。