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答案:【小题1】Not only I but also my cousin knows how to make a fruit salad..
【小题2】The children couldn’t wait to teach themselves how to make home pages in the computer class.
【小题3】The girl with a square face never says a bad word about anyone.
【小题4】You’d better read more books instead of being crazy about playing baseball.
【小题5】My classmates are discussing/ talking about how to learn a foreign language/ foreign languages well in class.
【小题1】本题考查固定句型Not only···but also不但······而且,要注意当.Not only...but also连接并列主语时要遵循就近原则。
【小题2】本题考查固定句型can’t wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事,以及短语 teach oneself自学。
【小题3】本题考查固定短语say a bad word about anyone说任何人的坏话,以及副词never从不。
【小题4】本题考查固定句型had better do sth最好做某事,以及短语instead of 代替,而不是。
【小题5】本题考查固定短语how to learn a foreign language/ foreign languages well 如何学好外语。