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【小题1】---What’s the a_________ age of the girls in your class?
【小题2】Being teachers is a little bit c_____, because teachers have to update their knowledge to improve themselves.
【小题3】Do keep in mind that one should stay calm especially in an e____________.
【小题4】The mid-term examination is approaching, students are busy making __  _(准备) for it.
【小题5】Many people in China, some of whom are not __________(肥胖的,体重超标的) at all, are always going on a diet to look attractive.
【小题6】To children’s ___________(满意),they can have more spare time to enjoy themselves without much homework.
【小题7】We all wonder how human beings came into e___________ in the world.
【小题8】Though the old man is not wealthy, he is always ___(满腔热忱的) about the social welfare.
【小题9】As an old saying goes, _________(失败) is the mother of success.
【小题10】I think that young children often a_____________ modern pictures better than anyone else.
【小题11】Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in a___________ myths.
【小题12】The t_____________ to steal is greater than before--- especially in large shops.
【小题4】固定搭配make preparations for。
【小题6】To one’s后面接名词satisfaction。
【小题7】come into后面接名词existence。
【小题8】固定搭配be enthusiastic about