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【小题1】I __________ (认出) Mike the moment I saw him.
【小题2】Parents noticed the _________ (逐渐的)change in their children.
【小题3】________(加起来)up your scores and we’ll see who will win.
【小题4】The _________ (窗帘) was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.
【小题5】He caught a cold yesterday and ________ (遭受) from a headache last night.
【小题6】All those p_________ at the meeting are high officials.
【小题7】 Visitors are r___________ not to touch the exhibits(展品).
【小题8】Mary got very unhappy, for other friends i_________ her at the party.
【小题9】Our g____________ must do something to stop the rising house prices.
【小题10】As Tom told us, the window was broken on p_________ by someone in the neighborhood.
【小题3】add up加起来。祈使句动词原形开头,注意第一个字母用大写。
【小题5】考查动词。last night表示过去的时间状语,故用一般过去时态suffered,注意字母r不双写.
【小题10】固定搭配 on purpose故意地、有目的地