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My mother seemed to be able to make dolls (洋娃娃) out of anything. She made some dolls for me and my two elder sisters. I     playing with them, but still, secretly, I hoped for a store-bought     like the one our rich cousin had. Her doll     open and close its blue glass eyes and even say “Mamma”. I     stopped admiring it and hoping to have one.
However, my dream     came true when I was six. One day my father came back from his business trip with three     dolls! They were much smaller than our cousin’s doll and their eyes were just painted ones, but I did not     such differences. They were    “store-bought”dolls. We each chose one and I named     Misako.
Soon my sisters and I became devoted    . Our “children” kept us     all day. We gave them a bath,     them, brushed their hair, took them out for a walk and put them to bed. Several months later, they got more like real children —their     and bodies became dirtier; their dresses got stained; their hair less smooth.
But, by then,     interests seemed to have moved into     toys. Their dolls were abandoned (被抛弃) and in bad condition. One had        one of her arms, and        was one-legged. “You can     them if you want,” my sisters said to me. Therefore, I had     dolls. They were more or less handicapped (残疾) and they often looked at me as if they needed me to     them. I enjoyed this feeling of being needed —being the only one in the world who could protect them with a lot of love. Indeed, they made the rest of my childhood days very happy.
A.wanted B.expectedC.hopedD.enjoyed
A.care aboutB.care forC.think aboutD.worry about
A.woreB.put onC.dressedD.wash
A.myB.theirC.my sisters’D.my doll’s
A.the otherB.anotherC.itD.other
A.look out forB.take care ofC.pay attention toD.have a look at
【小题1】考查动词。前面说的是“妈妈为我和两个姐姐做洋娃娃,”后一句应该是说“我喜欢玩洋娃娃”,这也符合女孩的天性。wanted 想要;expected期盼;hoped希望;喜爱、享受,故选D
【小题3】考查情态动词。Her doll     open and close its blue glass eyes and even say “Mamma”.她的洋娃娃能张开闭上它的蓝眼睛。might或许、大概;should应该;could能、会;dared敢。故选C
【小题5】考查副词。我六岁的时候我的梦实现了。immediately 立刻、马上; firstly 首先;hardly 几乎不;finally 最后,根据句意选D
【小题6】根据句意考查形容词。“爸爸买了三个非自制的洋娃娃”。 beautiful美丽的;lovely可爱的;stored-bought自制的、从商店买来的;new新的,根据句意可知选C
【小题7】考查动词短语。They were much smaller than our cousin’s doll and their eyes were just painted ones, but I did not     such differences.爸爸买的洋娃娃不如堂姐的好,但我并不在意。care about 介意、在意;care for喜爱、关心;think about考虑;worry about担心,故选A
【小题8】考查形容词。与妈妈做的洋娃娃相比爸爸买的是真的非自制的洋娃娃。They were    “store-bought”dolls.  total全部的;real真正的;like像---一样;unlike 和---不一样,故选B
【小题9】考查代词。We each chose one and I named     Misako.我们每个人选了一个洋娃娃,我把我的命名为Misako。my我的(形容词性物主代词);one表示“一”;them他们;mine我的(名词性物主代词),根据句意选D
【小题10】考查名词。根据句意“我和我的姐姐成了洋娃娃的忠诚的妈妈。”Soon my sisters and I became devoted    . sisters 姐妹;fathers 父亲;friends 朋友;mothers母亲,根据句意选D
【小题11】考查形容词。充当了洋娃娃的妈妈,我们的孩子让我们整天保持忙碌。free 空闲的;busy忙碌的;hard 努力的、艰难的;tired劳累的,故选B
【小题12】考查动词。We gave them a bath,     them, brushed their hair, took them out for a walk and put them to bed.上文提到整天忙碌,下文表达的应该是我们给她们洗澡,刷头发,给它们穿衣服---。wore 穿着、戴着(后加衣服名称,表示状态);put on 穿上、戴上(后跟衣服名称,表示 动作);dressed给某人穿衣服(后跟表示人的词);wash洗,根据句意和动词时态C项正确。
【小题13】考查名词。几个月之后洋娃娃变得更像真的孩子了,根据常识可知“她们的脸和身体变得更脏”。 faces脸;legs 腿;arms 胳膊;hands 手,故选A
【小题14】考查物主代词、名词所有格。根据句意可知“我姐姐们的兴趣似乎已经转移到不同的玩具上”,也就是不再喜欢洋娃娃。my 我的; their 他们的 ;my sisters’我姐姐们的;my doll’s我的洋娃娃的,所以选C
【小题15】考查形容词。根据句意可知“我姐姐们的兴趣似乎已经转移到不同的玩具上”,也就是不再喜欢洋娃娃。tiny极小的;different 不同的;curious好奇的;humorous幽默的,故选B
【小题16】考查动词。姐姐的洋娃娃被抛弃,状况不好,所以“有一只洋娃娃失去了一只胳膊”,hurt伤害;wounded使受伤;lost失去;damaged 毁掉,根据句意选C
【小题17】考查不定代词。根据上文可知,姐姐的两个洋娃娃,一个失去了一条胳膊另一个剩下了一条腿。One…the other…两个中的一个---另一个---,故选A
【小题18】考查动词短语。姐姐抛弃了洋娃娃,告诉妹妹,“如果你想要,你就照顾他们”。look out for当心---;take care of照顾;pay attention to重视;have a look at看一看---,
根据句意take care of最合适。
【小题20】考查动词。句意:洋娃娃或多或少都有残疾,她们经常看着我,好象他们需要我帮助她们。teach 教; feed 喂;satisfy满意;help帮助