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English is a very interesting language. It has borrowed words from many other languages. Immigrants(移民) coming into the United States have contributed many words to the language, which have kept their original pronunciation. “Coolie” and “kowtow” were taken from the Chinese language, “kamikaze from the Japanese, “shampoo” from India, “blitz” from German, “amigo” and “Los Angeles” from Spanish and so on.
Many students have studied English for years, some as many as eight. However, some students still have difficulty in speaking fluent English. Some know many words but are unable todiscernthem when native speakers use them. In our Oral English classes we will focus on speaking and listening to native English speakers. For this reason, because we are trying to train your ears to hear English and your mouths to speak intelligible (易理解的) English, we will have a rule that ONLY ENGLISH will be spoken in our English classes. Anyone speaking Chinese in class will be required to pay a fine(罚款) in order to encourage the speaking and understanding of English. If teachers enter a classroom and discover that anyone is speaking Chinese, they will require everyone in the room to pay the fine. It is everyone’s job to enforce the English-Only rule. It is for your benefit. It is because we want to accustom (使习惯于) your ears to hearing English.
Other subjects may be learned only from books but the only way to learn a foreign language is to SPEAK IT! Students are often nervous about speaking in class at first but we hope to make the classes fun, so you will forget your nervousness and learn to speak out. Enjoy your classes.
【小题1】The first paragraph is mainly about________.
A.the difficulty of learning English.
B.different words in different languages
C.how interesting and various English is
D.the immigrants’ contributions to America
【小题2】 The underlined word “discern” in Para 2 can be replaced by___________.
【小题3】 In the author’s opinion, the only way to learn a language well is to__________.
A.listen to it on the radio
B.learn it from books
C.play games with it
D.speak it often
【小题4】The article is probably aimed at________.
A.Japanese studentsB.German students
C.Chinese studentsD.Indian students
试题分析:这是一篇科教类阅读。英语是一门非常有趣的语言,它借用了很多其他语言的词汇。很多学生学英语多年仍不能流利的去说。其实学好一门外语的唯一方法就是“大胆地说”。1:从第一段的前两句话“English is a very interesting language. It has borrowed words from many other languages. ”可找到答案,因此选B。
小题3:从最后一句话中“but the only way to learn a foreign language is to SPEAK IT!”可得知答案选D。
小题4:通过第二段中“Anyone speaking Chinese in class will be required to pay a fine in order to encourage the speaking and understanding of English. ”可知任何人在课上说汉语就会被要求罚款,推断出学英语的是中国学生,他们稍不注意就会把母语说出来。因此答案选C。