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We need more men in our hospital, not as doctors,  【小题1】_as nurses. There are several reasons for wanting male nurses here. Men make excellent careers and are equally as good as women  _【小题2】  taking care of others. In fact, many men take good care of their children, wives, parents, sisters, brothers and even 【小题3】 nieces and nephews.
Another reason that men make great nurses is _【小题4】  in general, men are physically stronger than women. Also, male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients still  【小题5】  they receive painful treatment, such as when bandages covering wounds are changed. Another advantage to having male nurses is that they see things from a different angle from women,  【小题6】 allows the hospital to work better 【小题7】 if we only approach problems one way. Having a mix of male and female nurses also helps create_【小题8】_fun atmosphere, which helps patients recover faster.
【小题1】but 句意:在我们的医院里我们需要更多的男性,不是做医生,而是做护士。根据句意可知上下文含有转折关系,故使用but。
【小题2】at 考察固定搭配be good at…擅长于…;男性也可以有很出色的生涯,在照顾别人方面和女性一样出色。故使用at。
【小题3】their 本句的主语是many men,所以使用their作为物主代词修饰nieces and nephews。
【小题4】that 本句是that引导的是表语从句。男性成为好的护士的另外一个原因是身体上男孩比女性更强壮。that在表语从句中不充当任何成分,也没有任何含义。
【小题5】while/when/as  本句是一个时间状语从句,当他们接受疼痛的治疗的时候,男护士在让病人不动方面会是一个更大的帮助。所以使用while/when/as。
【小题6】which   本句中的which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代前面一句话的内容,在句中做主语。
【小题7】than 本句前面的better是比较级形式,所以使用than表示比较。
【小题8】a 本句中的名词atmosphere前面有fun修饰,可以使用a表示一种快乐的氛围。