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【小题1】My English improved a lot, as I spent an hour each day reading English books.
My English improved a lot, as I ________ an hour each day _______ reading English books.
【小题2】I found the homework in British schools was not as heavy as what I used to get in China.
I found the homework in British schools ________ ________ than what I used to get in China.
【小题3】The paintings donated by the artist are on show in the exhibition room.
The paintings donated by the artist are _________ _________ in the exhibition room.
【小题4】At the good news, he jumped with excitement.
________ ________ the good news, he jumped with excitement.
【小题5】The little girl is no longer what she used to be.
She is no longer the little girl ______ she used to be.
【小题6】The girl called Mary won the first prize in the competition.
The girl ______ ______ the name is Mary won the first prize in the competition.
【小题7】His classmates often laugh at him for his poor English. He can’t tolerate it any longer.
He can’t tolerate any longer _______ _______ _______ by his classmates for his poor English.
【小题8】While the parents were on vacation, they let Eric look after the home.
While the parents were on vacation, the home was left in _______ ________.
【小题9】Is this the reason you explained why you didn’t do your homework?
Is this the reason you explained _______ _______ you didn’t do your homework?
【小题10】The bike was stolen. He rode it to school every day.
The bike _______ _______ he went to school was stolen.
答案:【小题1】devoted to;
【小题2】less heavy/was lighter
【小题3】Being shown/being displayed/on display
【小题4】On/Upon hearing
【小题6】of whom
【小题7】being laughed at
【小题8】Eric’s charge
【小题9】for which
【小题10】on which
【小题1】devoted to; 本句中把“spend some time in doing sth花费时间做某事”改成另外一种表达“devote some time to doing sth”。
【小题2】less heavy/was lighter “not as heavy as”不如…重,改为了比较级的形式less heavy或者was lighter更轻。
【小题3】being shown/being displayed/on display 根据句意可知本句可以使用被动语态,表示艺术家捐的作品正在被展览。动词“展览”可以使用display或者show。也可以使用另外一个介词短语on show。
【小题4】On/Upon hearing 介词on/upon一…就…;来换介词短语at the good news听见那个好消息。
【小题5】that 本句考查是关系代词that的特殊用法,that指代先行词在句中做be动词后面的表语。
【小题6】of whom 前面一句中“被称为Mary的女孩”,原文中使用过去分词短语做定语,第二句中使用定语从句the name of whom相当于whose name。
【小题7】being laughed at 动词tolerate容忍,构成固定结构tolerate doing sth,根据句意可知使用被动语态。
【小题8】Eric’s charge 固定搭配in sb’s charge由某人负责,替换上文的:让Eric照顾家。也就是让Eric负责。
【小题9】for which 本句第一从句的先行词是the reason,which指代先行词,同时因为reason和介词for连用,所以使用for which。
【小题10】on which 固定搭配ride on the bike,先行词是bike,后面使用on which。