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When we think of chocolate, many of us think of candy bars and sweet. But this is not how chocolate comes to us. In fact, it comes from the cacao tree that is found in the tropical(热带的) forests of Central and South America, because cacao beans need to grow in a hot and humid climate (湿热的气候) . The Mayas knew that they could get food and drink from the tree. The Aztecs often took the cacao beans and broke them into pieces in hot water, making a drink that was delicious and energy-producing for the body.
When Columbus and Cortez came to America, they shipped cacao beans back to Spain. However,  at first few people would like to try the drink because the taste was strange. When Columbus gave the information back to the Spanish Queen and King that one cup of chocolate from the cacao beans could provide a whole day’s energy for a man without the need for other food, attitudes(态度) quickly changed.
The need and the cost for chocolate produced by the cacao beans rose sharply. Soon all Europeans had fallen in love with chocolate. But chocolate was so expensive at that time that only the riches could afford this confection (甜食). At first, too much chocolate made people sick because more than half of the cacao bean is formed from fat, and few people knew how to remove the too much fat content(脂肪含量). Perhaps that is how we arrived at the expression, “Too much of a good thing can be bad for you.”
【小题1】  of chocolate
Central and South America
It comes from the cacao tree that is found in the tropical forests of Central and South America, because a hot and humid climate is
【小题2】   for the growth of cacao beans.
①The   【小题3】   got food and drink
from the tree.
②The Aztecs often took the cacao beans and broke them into pieces in hot water, making a drink that was   【小题4】  and
energy-producing for the body.
①When Columbus and Cortez came to America, they sent cacao beans back to Spain by   【小题5】 .
②Chocolate wasn’t widely  【小题6】   before
Columbus reported to the Queen and King.
One cup of chocolate from the cacao beans could provide a whole day’s energy for a man with  【小题7】   need of other food.
Because of the high  【小题9】 , only the riches could afford this confection.
Too much chocolate did harm to people’s
【小题10】  because more than half of the
cacao bean is formed from fat.
【小题7】 Mayas
试题分析:本文主要讲述了巧克力的发展史;它来自可可树是在热带发现(热带的)美国中部和南部的森林,由于可可豆需要生长在炎热和潮湿的气候(湿热的气候) ,所有的人爱吃巧克力,但是巧克力对人的身体有好的方面也有坏处。
【小题1】考查名词。根据表格的内容介绍了巧克力的产地;南美;及欧洲的巧克力。结合语境故填 Europe
【小题3】考查形容词。根据文中because cacao beans need to grow in a hot and humid climate (湿热的气候)可知湿润的气候对咖啡豆的生长有好处。结合语境及表格的提示故填good/necessary/suit 。
【小题4】考查形容词。根据文中When Columbus and Cortez came to America, they shipped cacao beans back to Spain可知当哥伦布和科尔特斯来到美国,他们把可可豆通过轮船带回西班牙。By+交通工具;故此故填ship/sea 。
【小题5】考查动词。根据文中When Columbus gave the information back to the Spanish Queen and King that one cup of chocolate from the cacao beans could provide a whole day’s energy for a man without the need for other food, attitudes(态度) quickly changed. 可知以前巧克力没有被广泛的接收。本题.考查被动语态;所以填accepted
【小题6】考查名词。可知文中But chocolate was so expensive at that time that only the riches could afford this confection 可知由于价格较高,只有富人们能买的起。结合语境及表格内容的提示故填price
【小题7】考查名词。根据文中The Mayas knew that they could get food and drink from the tree.可知玛雅人知道他们可以从树上得到的食物和饮料 ,结合语境及表格内容的提示故填Mayas
【小题8】考查形容词。根据文中 The Aztecs often took the cacao beans and broke them into pieces in hot water, making a drink that was delicious and energy-producing for the body.可知阿兹特克人经常把可可豆分成热水片,制作的饮料,很好吃,对身体产生能量。根据语境及表格内容的提示,故填delicious
【小题9】考查形容词。根据文中 the cacao beans could provide a whole day’s energy for a man without the need for other food,可知一杯巧克力的可可豆可以为一个人提供一整天的能量而不需要其他的食物。 结合语境故填no。
【小题10】考查名词。根据中文too much chocolate made people sick because more than half of the cacao bean is formed from fat可知太多的巧克力让人恶心因为一半以上的可可豆是由脂肪组成的。结合语境可知故填health