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Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to e  【小题1】in the city. We are even getting used to the noisesand pollution in the city. It has become a p【小题2】of our life. I have never been to the country. Nature is a word strange to us. This summer I had the chance to go with my parents on a v【小题3】  to countryside.
For the first time in my life I have the experience with the country life. Here I r 【小题4】  what a life of nature is. This is a small village far from cities. It is at the foot of a mountain. The life there is s  【小题5】  . It is different from the city life.
There are few cars or other t  【小题6】  on the way. The air is fresh. The sky is high. The people are friendly. They are not as busy as t  【小题7】    in the big city. Everywhere you can find people bathing i  【小题8】    the sun. They drink clean water. The water comes from the mountain. They e  【小题9】   the quiet life very much. What's more, there you can hear the sound of nature. You can find the children p  【小题10】   with water in the river and the dogs running after the people. All these make a wonderfulpicture of countryside. How I love the country life!
【小题6】 traffic
【小题1】考查固定句型。be used to+名词/代词/动名词作宾语,意为“习惯于……”。出生在城市的孩子觉得乡村生活很遥远,习惯于城市的一切。故填everything
【小题3】考查固定短语。根据句意:“这个夏天,我有机会和父母去乡下旅游。”go on a visit to sp“去某地旅游”。故填visit。
【小题8】考查介词。根据句意:人们沐浴着阳光。in the sun是固定短语。故填in。
【小题10】考查动词。find sth. doing“发现……正在做某事”。孩子们在河里戏水,play with“玩……”。故填playing。