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Dear Ruth,
I’m writing to ask you for help.__________________________________________________
Li Hua
答案:One possible version:
Recently I am having some trouble with my friend Helen, which makes me very upset. This is how it happened.
A few months ago, Helen did something wrong at school. She told me about it but wouldn’t like the teacher or any other classmate to know it. So she asked me to keep it a secret. I promised her. But then one day, Helen came back from the teacher’s office and shouted at me angrily, saying that I had broken my promise and let out her secret to the teacher. But I really did not do it. However hard I tried to explain to her, she simply wouldn’t listen to me and decided to break up with me. I feel greatly wronged but really do not know what to do. This event affects my normal life and study. Can you help me with my trouble?
I am looking forward to your reply.