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Saving money is easy when you don’t have anything to spend it on, but what happens when things come suddenly that demand some of your hard-earned money? These are called expenses (开销).
Chances are, most of your basic living expenses — food, shelter, clothing, medical care — are covered by your family. But perhaps you and your family have agreed that you’ll pay for certain other expenses out of your own money, such as cell phone bills, after-school snacks, jewelry, or club fees (费用).
Expenses that happen regularly, like every week or month, are called “fixed” expenses. The good news is that because you know when these expenses are coming, you can plan for them. But life is full of surprises, and sometimes these surprises turn into expenses, too. You might have an emergency like fixing a flat tire on your bike, or something unusual like the class trip to Six Flags. These are called “unexpected” expenses and if you are smart with your money, you’ll plan for these as well.
Here’s a secret when it comes to saving money: if you think of it as a regular expense, it’ll be easier to put a certain amount aside. Tell yourself that the $20.00 you are trying to save up every month is something you must do, andthere’s no getting around it.
What kinds of fixed expenses do you have? Can you think of any unexpected expenses that have come up for you in the past? Can you think of any you might have now or in the near future?
【小题1】Which of the following expenses is most probably paid out of your own money?
A.Money spent on medicine.B.Money spent on clothing.
C.Money spent on sports.D.Money spent on meals.
【小题2】Which of the following is an “unexpected” expense?
A.Changing a new tire.B.House rent.
C.Buying snacks.D.Paying for cell phone bill.
【小题3】According to the author, what can make saving money easier?
A.Trying your best to prevent emergencies.
B.Earning as much as you can after class.
C.Cutting most of your expenses.
D.Putting some money aside as a regular expense.
【小题4】The underlined part in the 4th paragraph means “_____________”.
A.you can’t let out this secret
B.there is no other choice
C.you have other solutions to it
D.there’s no point in arguing about it
【小题1】细节理解题。根据“But perhaps you and your family have agreed that you’ll pay for certain other expenses out of your own money, such as cell phone bills, after-school snacks, jewelry, or club fees (费用).” 可知,关于运动的钱需要你自己付 。因此选C。
【小题2】细节理解题。由“You might have an emergency like fixing a flat tire on your bike, or something unusual like the class trip to Six Flags.”可知,爆胎了换一个轮胎属于意外事件无法提前计划。 故选A。
【小题3】细节理解题。由“Here’s a secret when it comes to saving money: if you think of it as a regular expense, it’ll be easier to put a certain amount aside.”可知,省钱秘诀之一是可以把一部分钱现存放在别处 。故选D。